I realize when I say this you might think: " yes, I've heard that before..."
Have you ever read an entire New Testament book in one sitting while tracing a theme ? I highly recommend reading Matthew while looking for an answer to this question:
Why did Jesus come to earth ?
I found 36 truths about the purpose of Christ on the earth. I am telling you the truth by the time I got to the crucifixion scene I felt like I was there standing on that hill watching it unfold. When I read the words that the veil to the holy of holies was ripped in two... I just about fell apart. There was something about the cumulative effect of seeing Jesus head toward Calvary all the way through the book that made me feel something I had never felt before about Jesus.
Another idea (which I may do next week) Trace the idea of " in Christ" through all of Paul's epistles.
By the way, I think it's worth it to write everything down as you go through. Just carve out time and make it happen.
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Revolutionary Christians
Who are they ? Revolutionary Christians are people who attract others. Those who meet them are fascinated by them and want to know more. All who come in contact with them get the irresistible impression that they derive their strength from a hidden source which is strong and rich. An inner freedom flows out from within them, giving them an independence which is neither haughty nor aloof, but which enables them to stand above immediate needs and most pressing necessities.
Revolutionary Christians are moved by what happens around them but don’t let it oppress or shatter them. They listen attentively, speak with authority, but don’t get easily rushed or excited. In everything they say and do, a lively vision calls them forth which those who hear them can intimate but not see. This vision guides their lives. They are obedient to it. Through it they know how to distinguish what is important from what is not.
Many things which seem of gripping immediacy hardly stir them, and they attach great importance to some things which others simply let pass.
( Henri Nouwen With Open Hands page 67)
Revolutionary Christians are moved by what happens around them but don’t let it oppress or shatter them. They listen attentively, speak with authority, but don’t get easily rushed or excited. In everything they say and do, a lively vision calls them forth which those who hear them can intimate but not see. This vision guides their lives. They are obedient to it. Through it they know how to distinguish what is important from what is not.
Many things which seem of gripping immediacy hardly stir them, and they attach great importance to some things which others simply let pass.
( Henri Nouwen With Open Hands page 67)
Monday, December 17, 2007
bring out your dead ( bring back the dead)
I always enjoy it when something clicks. I have known things about the Old Testament for years but sometimes ideas just come together and you see things in a new way. When Abraham was asked to sacrifice Isaac, he went forward with that idea even though he wasn't sure how that would help make him a father of many nations. The thing I hadn't fully come to terms with was the idea that Abraham was willing to do this because he was fully convinced that God could bring people back from the dead. I always stopped short of recognizing that fact. Maybe in my mind I thought : " Well Abraham knew God was going to stop him so it didn't matter anyway... "
It did matter and I think Abraham would have killed Isaac... but he also had the confidence that God could bring him back to life.
Do you have faith like that ? Can you say, even if this looks like the death of my dreams... God is able to resurrect what is dead ?
It did matter and I think Abraham would have killed Isaac... but he also had the confidence that God could bring him back to life.
Do you have faith like that ? Can you say, even if this looks like the death of my dreams... God is able to resurrect what is dead ?
Friday, December 7, 2007
remedy for a rotten attitude
It's interesting to me how many times in the Psalms that we are encouraged to sing praises to the Lord. Sometimes in my academic mindset, I can relegate singing to sort of an optional thing. It doesn't seem that way in Psalm 30. Giving thanks to God and singing praises to Him are exactly the remedy for the "weeping" that lasts for a night. Do you have a place to sing outloud and talk outloud ?
I highly recommend it.
I highly recommend it.
Monday, December 3, 2007
Kid Rock continued
After he opened the door, I introduced myself and asked him about the song that was playing. I had heard the word " Jesus" come out earlier. He lied and said it was " Kid Jesus..." Later, I looked it up on the internet and it was a Kid rock song. Anyway, he seemed willing to talk even though heavily intoxicated and he really wanted me to see the moon for some reason. I asked him if he thought he would go to heaven or hell if he died. He said: " I would probably go to hell because I smoke, drink and listen to bad music." We sort of stumbled through a few more minutes of conversation and I tried to explain how our works can't save us and used an illustration about trying to jump over the Grand canyon... but I don' t think he really ever understood that. After about 10 minutes, I said good bye and told him I would pray for him, but I really wanted to pray with him at the moment but didn't feel the time was right. I walked away from the car about another 1/2 mile and then I noticed that they were following me. He pulled up and asked me if I had made it home yet and I said "no." He really wanted to know where I lived and I didn't tell him. I did tell him that I really wanted to pray with him and he agreed. I prayed that God would fulfill his deepest desires and show Him Christ. He seemed very pleasant after the prayer, thanked me and drove off.
I guess as I think about that encounter, I would like to say to whoever... Are you listening for God's voice ? If He asked you to do something that seemed irrational, would you do it ?
I was reminded of how lost and how " Biblically unaware" so many people are in our world. We are His ambassadors.
I guess as I think about that encounter, I would like to say to whoever... Are you listening for God's voice ? If He asked you to do something that seemed irrational, would you do it ?
I was reminded of how lost and how " Biblically unaware" so many people are in our world. We are His ambassadors.
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Kid Rock and a pedestrian
Friday night ( the day after thanksgiving) : I decided to go for a walk in our neighborhood so I could pray and walk off the food I just ate. I walked for about a mile and noticed a white car with 2 men sitting in it ... they were listening to music so loud the windows had to have been vibrating. I didn't think much of it and kept walking. I had to walk past the car again and felt like God was telling me to approach the care and talk to the people inside. I noticed earlier that they were drinking and they were not listening to Sandy Patti. My first instinct was to dismiss this idea ( of talking to them) and keep walking. I walked past the car and kind of said to God: "surely You don't want me to talk to them... I only do relational evangelism." You know, I have to build relationships first. I walked about 30 yards past the car and the urge was overwhelming to go back and talk to them. I decided to go back and I approached the car. The sounds coming out of the car were really offensive... some of the hardest music I had ever heard. I sort of waved at the driver and he opened the door.
More on this later... I have to go to bed.
More on this later... I have to go to bed.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
The word clobbered comes to mind when I think about the last 6 weeks. We closed on a home, moved out of our apartment and remodeled a home. If you want a 90 minute visual of what I just went through watch : " The Money Pit" with Tom Hanks ( circa 1986) ... watch an edited version...
I have been thinking about grace this week and how much I need it. I came across this and thought I would put it in print again:
" At the center of Jesus' parables of grace stands a God who takes initiative towards us: a lovesick father who runs to meet the prodigal, a landlord who cancels a large debt... God shattered the inexorable law of sin and retribution by invading earth, absorbing the worst we had to offer, crucifixion, and then fashioning from that cruel deed the remedy for the human condition. Calvary broke up the logjam between justice and forgiveness. By accepting onto His innocent self all the severe demands of justice, Jesus broke forever the chain of ungrace."
( Phillip Yancey)
I like that idea that Jesus broke forever the chain of ungrace. We are so ready to accept grace for ourselves and yet find ourselves resenting people when they hurt us or don't take notice of us. There are things that are too painful and embarrassing to write about in a blog but just know that there is tremendous pain involved in living a life of "works " righteousness. It 's too difficult and the guilt is too much to bear. I say that I believe in grace but often I live like I really believe in "works." It's hard to escape in our world where everything has to be paid for and there are receipts for everything.
I can remember being in Canada while I was in high school on a key club trip. My friend Stuart and I were in the hotel room and I was trying to convince him that salvation was free. Stuart said: " someone paid for it." I will never forget that because it hit me hard for the first time that Christ had paid for it and that payment really cost him something. That thought is staggering to me right now. Why would I despise that gift by acting immoral or lying or being insensitive to my family ?
I'm ready to be done with the flesh... it's a cruel master. You are saying: "well just read Romans 6... we have a new master." We are slaves of righteousness, not of sin. I know that's true... I'm just tired of being tired.
How does the fact of our justification by faith ( by grace ) relate to our daily experience ?
I have been thinking about grace this week and how much I need it. I came across this and thought I would put it in print again:
" At the center of Jesus' parables of grace stands a God who takes initiative towards us: a lovesick father who runs to meet the prodigal, a landlord who cancels a large debt... God shattered the inexorable law of sin and retribution by invading earth, absorbing the worst we had to offer, crucifixion, and then fashioning from that cruel deed the remedy for the human condition. Calvary broke up the logjam between justice and forgiveness. By accepting onto His innocent self all the severe demands of justice, Jesus broke forever the chain of ungrace."
( Phillip Yancey)
I like that idea that Jesus broke forever the chain of ungrace. We are so ready to accept grace for ourselves and yet find ourselves resenting people when they hurt us or don't take notice of us. There are things that are too painful and embarrassing to write about in a blog but just know that there is tremendous pain involved in living a life of "works " righteousness. It 's too difficult and the guilt is too much to bear. I say that I believe in grace but often I live like I really believe in "works." It's hard to escape in our world where everything has to be paid for and there are receipts for everything.
I can remember being in Canada while I was in high school on a key club trip. My friend Stuart and I were in the hotel room and I was trying to convince him that salvation was free. Stuart said: " someone paid for it." I will never forget that because it hit me hard for the first time that Christ had paid for it and that payment really cost him something. That thought is staggering to me right now. Why would I despise that gift by acting immoral or lying or being insensitive to my family ?
I'm ready to be done with the flesh... it's a cruel master. You are saying: "well just read Romans 6... we have a new master." We are slaves of righteousness, not of sin. I know that's true... I'm just tired of being tired.
How does the fact of our justification by faith ( by grace ) relate to our daily experience ?
Friday, October 5, 2007
One of my friends in the Bay area always challenged me with this thought... He didn't want me to quote stuff to him but to explain how what I read affected me.
If I were to detail the events of today in a blog window I would say this:
We cannot give what we don't have. If we want to affect people in their life and mind with the power of God's word, then that word must take hold of us. You would expect that a tour guide in Himalayas would be captured by the beauty of the mountains. Before I can cast a compelling vision, I have to be captured by it.
One reason I have been down lately is just the grind of life, coupled with laziness and selfishness.
If I don't have it, I can't give it. I cannot impart what I do not possess.
If I were to detail the events of today in a blog window I would say this:
We cannot give what we don't have. If we want to affect people in their life and mind with the power of God's word, then that word must take hold of us. You would expect that a tour guide in Himalayas would be captured by the beauty of the mountains. Before I can cast a compelling vision, I have to be captured by it.
One reason I have been down lately is just the grind of life, coupled with laziness and selfishness.
If I don't have it, I can't give it. I cannot impart what I do not possess.
I am not sure how to explain all of this but when I feel spiritually flat, reading seems to bring me out of the slump. I feel like when I read I am motivated and inspired. Here's a sample of what I read from John Ortberg:
"In between other people's opinion of us and our pleasure in them is our assessment of the validity of their approval. We are not the passive victim of others' opinions. Their opinions are powerless until we validate them. No one's approval will affect us unless we grant it credibility and status. The same holds true for disapproval."
( The Life you always wanted )
Why do we allow other people to affect us this way ? Why isn't God' s opinion of us enough to satisfy us ?
"In between other people's opinion of us and our pleasure in them is our assessment of the validity of their approval. We are not the passive victim of others' opinions. Their opinions are powerless until we validate them. No one's approval will affect us unless we grant it credibility and status. The same holds true for disapproval."
( The Life you always wanted )
Why do we allow other people to affect us this way ? Why isn't God' s opinion of us enough to satisfy us ?
Monday, October 1, 2007
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
why worry ?
The word of God really is our source of nourishment. I can feel myself shrinking spiritually when I don’t read it and I feel myself strengthened when I spend time with God in His word. For example: Galatians 3:26 says that we are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus. So, where does our faith come from ? Romans 10 says that faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. There is a real connection between hearing the word of God ( and I would say reading) and our faith.
God has chosen to let us live in uncertainty with regard to :
the safety of our children
our housing
how people will respond to us
whether or not our “plans” will work out
Somehow in those uncertainties, God is glorified when we put our faith in Him and when we put our faith in Him we see the results of His power. All of my anxiety and worry about the future is meaningless and an unproductive waste of time. So, if we are worried, then we must not be walking by faith. Worry and self centeredness are related. This is why we shouldn’t worry. Tonight… or tomorrow night, go for a walk at night, look at the vastness of the sky and ask God to give you eyes of faith. Ask Him to give you strength to face an uncertain future. When you stop and think about it, there are no risks with a sovereign God. Have you really come to grips with His sovereignty or are you still walking by sight, trying every angle to make it work your way ?
Philippians 4:6-7 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
God has chosen to let us live in uncertainty with regard to :
the safety of our children
our housing
how people will respond to us
whether or not our “plans” will work out
Somehow in those uncertainties, God is glorified when we put our faith in Him and when we put our faith in Him we see the results of His power. All of my anxiety and worry about the future is meaningless and an unproductive waste of time. So, if we are worried, then we must not be walking by faith. Worry and self centeredness are related. This is why we shouldn’t worry. Tonight… or tomorrow night, go for a walk at night, look at the vastness of the sky and ask God to give you eyes of faith. Ask Him to give you strength to face an uncertain future. When you stop and think about it, there are no risks with a sovereign God. Have you really come to grips with His sovereignty or are you still walking by sight, trying every angle to make it work your way ?
Philippians 4:6-7 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Nice people or new men ?
There's a chapter in CS Lewis' book "Mere Christianity" called "Nice people or New men." It is basically discussing the idea that if people are Christians, shouldn't they be nicer than non Christians. There is definitely some theology in this chapter that I disagree with...namely the thoughts about God' s inability to change our will. However, I do like the way he phrases some things about the changes God does bring about.
Listen to this: "... mere improvement is not redemption... God became a man to turn creatures into sons: not simply to produce better men of the old kind but to produce a new kind of man. It is not like teaching a horse to jump better and better but like turning a horse into a winged creature. Of course, 0nce it has wings, it will soar over fences which could never have been jumped and thus beat the natural horse at its own game. But there may be a period, while the wings are beginning to grow, when it cannot do so: and at that stage the lumps on his shoulders may even give it an awkward appearance." page 216 Mere Christianity
I think this reminds me of the fact that Christianity is not about taking bad people and making them good... it's about taking dead people and making them alive.
Listen to this: "... mere improvement is not redemption... God became a man to turn creatures into sons: not simply to produce better men of the old kind but to produce a new kind of man. It is not like teaching a horse to jump better and better but like turning a horse into a winged creature. Of course, 0nce it has wings, it will soar over fences which could never have been jumped and thus beat the natural horse at its own game. But there may be a period, while the wings are beginning to grow, when it cannot do so: and at that stage the lumps on his shoulders may even give it an awkward appearance." page 216 Mere Christianity
I think this reminds me of the fact that Christianity is not about taking bad people and making them good... it's about taking dead people and making them alive.
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Another angle
I was reading an article on www.monergism.com and came across something I hadn't really thought about before. The author was asking the question: " Why was Jesus on earth for 33 years ? Couldn't he have just come in for the weekend,taken care of business and gone back to heaven ?"
He then turned my attention to Hebrews 4:15
For we do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses but one who has been tempted in all things as we are, yet without sin.
I guess I had never meditated on that phrase: "in all things." Jesus was tempted throughout his life ...in all of its various stages and yet didn't sin. His demonstration of a righteous life satisfied God's wrath. He lived my life for me and presented that holy life to God...on my behalf.
He then turned my attention to Hebrews 4:15
For we do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses but one who has been tempted in all things as we are, yet without sin.
I guess I had never meditated on that phrase: "in all things." Jesus was tempted throughout his life ...in all of its various stages and yet didn't sin. His demonstration of a righteous life satisfied God's wrath. He lived my life for me and presented that holy life to God...on my behalf.
Sunday, August 5, 2007
Proverbs 3 again
Later on in Proverbs 3 the word says we are not to lean on our own understanding. It seems to me that we have to change some of the filters that we normally view life through....
Here is what we usually say to ourselves:
1. Is this fair ?
2. Does this make sense to me ?
3. Is this what I always thought would happen ?
4. What will I get out of this ?
I think Proverbs 3 is basically saying that we need to ask these questions instead :
1. Is God glorified in what I am doing ?
2. Are God's purposes accomplished in the earth ?
What if we could change filters and ask some different questions ?
Can we really trust in the Lord and "our own understanding" at the same time ?
Here is what we usually say to ourselves:
1. Is this fair ?
2. Does this make sense to me ?
3. Is this what I always thought would happen ?
4. What will I get out of this ?
I think Proverbs 3 is basically saying that we need to ask these questions instead :
1. Is God glorified in what I am doing ?
2. Are God's purposes accomplished in the earth ?
What if we could change filters and ask some different questions ?
Can we really trust in the Lord and "our own understanding" at the same time ?
re disovery
At the encouragement of a friend, I re-read Proverbs 3. I felt like I was reading it for the first time in my life. So rich... There are essentially 2 things you want to keep close to you: kindness and truth. It says to bind them around your neck. I started to think about what kindness would look like:
1. listen to someone who is talking ... when everyone else has checked out of the conversation
2. calling your wife to check in and communicate with her
3. initiate restoration after conflict ...
Are you kind ? Are you committed to the truth even if it effects you financially ?
1. listen to someone who is talking ... when everyone else has checked out of the conversation
2. calling your wife to check in and communicate with her
3. initiate restoration after conflict ...
Are you kind ? Are you committed to the truth even if it effects you financially ?
Monday, July 23, 2007
Why you should read church history
I have been reading some church history lately and read about Athanasius. He served as a bishop in Alexandria in the early years of the church. One of his contributions to the church was that he stood opposed to Arianism ( the belief that Jesus was not really God). So, the Nicene Creed was composed to assert emphatically that Jesus was "of the same substance" of the Father. What struck me about his life was this... here's a direct quote from the book...
" His strong quality was in his close ties to the people among whom he lived, and in living out his faith without the subtleties of the Arians or the pomp of so many other bishops of important churches. His monastic discipline, his roots among the people, his fiery spirit, and his profound and unshakable convictions made him invincible."
Earlier on the book said that Athanasius was not admired for his subtlety of logical argument, nor elegance of style...nor even in his political perspicacity. ( In all these areas, he could be bested by his opponents)
Basically... He walked with God and loved people.
This encouraged me today.
" His strong quality was in his close ties to the people among whom he lived, and in living out his faith without the subtleties of the Arians or the pomp of so many other bishops of important churches. His monastic discipline, his roots among the people, his fiery spirit, and his profound and unshakable convictions made him invincible."
Earlier on the book said that Athanasius was not admired for his subtlety of logical argument, nor elegance of style...nor even in his political perspicacity. ( In all these areas, he could be bested by his opponents)
Basically... He walked with God and loved people.
This encouraged me today.
Monday, July 16, 2007
I have been thinking about our schedules lately. I realize that alot of people say they are "busy." Obviously, we have some level of responsibility and having a full schedule is not necessarily sin. However, do we control our schedule or does the schedule control us ?
I read this in " The Life you always wanted" by John Ortberg :
" The father of one of my friends has been involved in evangelical ministry for nearly fifty years. His dad recently told him ' Well, son, we'll have to get together soon, as soon as I can get my schedule under control.' His son's comment to me: " For all 39 years of my life my dad has talked about what we are going to do as soon as he gets his schedule under control. He actually seems to believe that someday his schedule will somehow come under control. What is worse, he refuses to talk about or even acknowledge to himself the real reason his schedule is out of control." ( page 114 )
After I read this, I just thought: " am I doing this to my kids ?" Pretty soon, I won't be able to throw them around anymore and I don't want to look back and regret the fact that we did not spend more time wrestling on the bed together.
I read this in " The Life you always wanted" by John Ortberg :
" The father of one of my friends has been involved in evangelical ministry for nearly fifty years. His dad recently told him ' Well, son, we'll have to get together soon, as soon as I can get my schedule under control.' His son's comment to me: " For all 39 years of my life my dad has talked about what we are going to do as soon as he gets his schedule under control. He actually seems to believe that someday his schedule will somehow come under control. What is worse, he refuses to talk about or even acknowledge to himself the real reason his schedule is out of control." ( page 114 )
After I read this, I just thought: " am I doing this to my kids ?" Pretty soon, I won't be able to throw them around anymore and I don't want to look back and regret the fact that we did not spend more time wrestling on the bed together.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
ear piercings ?
The Bible talks about getting your ear pierced. Exodus 21 :6 says that a slave who wanted to dedicate his life to his master would : "go to the doorpost...and his master shall pierce his ear with an awl...and he shall serve him permanently."
There's a phrase used in greek : "doulos"...and it means bondservant. Paul applies that term to himself in Romans 1. It gives the idea of total allegiance not just isolated acts of service ( worship). I like that idea, but I am reluctant to go to the doorpost sometimes. Do I really want to give my total allegiance ? Have I really thought through how that will effect my money, time, "free time" ? What if I don't go to the doorpost ? Am I leaving myself a way out of total allegiance ?
There's a phrase used in greek : "doulos"...and it means bondservant. Paul applies that term to himself in Romans 1. It gives the idea of total allegiance not just isolated acts of service ( worship). I like that idea, but I am reluctant to go to the doorpost sometimes. Do I really want to give my total allegiance ? Have I really thought through how that will effect my money, time, "free time" ? What if I don't go to the doorpost ? Am I leaving myself a way out of total allegiance ?
Saturday, June 30, 2007
A third option ?
Romans 8
Usually this passage is quoted for verse 28... "and we know that God causes all things to work together..." I understand and like this verse too. However, the early part of the chapter deals with two ideas: the flesh and the Spirit. Verse 5: For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit, set their minds on the things of the Spirit. Verse 7 : For the mind set on the flesh is hostile to God, for it does not submit to God's law; indeed it cannot. 8 Those who are in the flesh cannot please God.
So... it seems like there are 2 ways of living: according the flesh or according to the Spirit.
God's way and man's way. As I read this the other day, it struck me: " there's not a third option." This was an interesting discovery and came home to me like it had not in years. Why do we live as if there is a third option ? We don't want to say we live according to the flesh, but to live according to the Spirit has huge implications for our time, money, resources, leisure activities,etc. It seems to me that most of live ( practically) in some sort of bizarre third option. We say we live according to the Spirit, but enjoy living according to the flesh. Even though a third option is not presented, we sort of live in it hoping that no one really asks the question or investigates further. What does it mean to have a mind set on the Spirit ?
Are you trying to force a third option ?
Usually this passage is quoted for verse 28... "and we know that God causes all things to work together..." I understand and like this verse too. However, the early part of the chapter deals with two ideas: the flesh and the Spirit. Verse 5: For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit, set their minds on the things of the Spirit. Verse 7 : For the mind set on the flesh is hostile to God, for it does not submit to God's law; indeed it cannot. 8 Those who are in the flesh cannot please God.
So... it seems like there are 2 ways of living: according the flesh or according to the Spirit.
God's way and man's way. As I read this the other day, it struck me: " there's not a third option." This was an interesting discovery and came home to me like it had not in years. Why do we live as if there is a third option ? We don't want to say we live according to the flesh, but to live according to the Spirit has huge implications for our time, money, resources, leisure activities,etc. It seems to me that most of live ( practically) in some sort of bizarre third option. We say we live according to the Spirit, but enjoy living according to the flesh. Even though a third option is not presented, we sort of live in it hoping that no one really asks the question or investigates further. What does it mean to have a mind set on the Spirit ?
Are you trying to force a third option ?
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Sabbath wars continued
Lately I have been thinking through Mark 2:27 The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the sabbath. After reading and hearing people discuss this issue... these thoughts have emerged.
It seems like when it comes to the Sabbath we have 4 options:
1. Seventh day sabbath keeping : This is what the Seventh Day adventists have chosen. They keep the literal sabbath on Saturday in accord with Exodus 20:8.
2. Lord's day sabbath keeping: This is a transfer of the theology of sabbath keeping to a new day ... Sunday. These people keep the sabbath but on a different day.
3. Lord's day observance: Based on Acts 20:7 , I Cor. 16, and Revelation 1 it seems like the NT believers begin to observe Sunday as a day to focus on Christ. After the book of Acts there is not much textual basis to keep a Saturday sabbath.
4. Lord's day non observance: This obliterates the uniqueness of Sunday and makes it day to do your own pleasure and basically neglect to worship God.
It seems like # 3 is the most Biblical option we have. Obviously there is much debate over this issue and the journey is not over. The question still remains: Is God sovereign over your time ? Is He sovereign over your work ? Is He sovereign over your schedule ? Will you take one day in seven to rest in Christ alone ?
It seems like when it comes to the Sabbath we have 4 options:
1. Seventh day sabbath keeping : This is what the Seventh Day adventists have chosen. They keep the literal sabbath on Saturday in accord with Exodus 20:8.
2. Lord's day sabbath keeping: This is a transfer of the theology of sabbath keeping to a new day ... Sunday. These people keep the sabbath but on a different day.
3. Lord's day observance: Based on Acts 20:7 , I Cor. 16, and Revelation 1 it seems like the NT believers begin to observe Sunday as a day to focus on Christ. After the book of Acts there is not much textual basis to keep a Saturday sabbath.
4. Lord's day non observance: This obliterates the uniqueness of Sunday and makes it day to do your own pleasure and basically neglect to worship God.
It seems like # 3 is the most Biblical option we have. Obviously there is much debate over this issue and the journey is not over. The question still remains: Is God sovereign over your time ? Is He sovereign over your work ? Is He sovereign over your schedule ? Will you take one day in seven to rest in Christ alone ?
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
sabbath so far...
Sabbath so far …
The Sabbath is a gift from God to man and never intended to be a burden.
People have a tendency to overwork and often go too fast through life. This “busyness” often results in spiritual emptiness. The Sabbath is a way to re fuel and re align what really matters.
Colossians 2:16-17 does not seem to “do away” with the Sabbath, but redefine it in terms of how it relates to Christ.
People stumble over the word “Sabbath” and there are many misconceptions about our relation to it.
5. We need to exhort our congregation to examine the scriptures and follow the leadership of the Holy Spirit when it comes to Sabbath observance. ( We cannot publish a list of rules or restrictions concerning this day because that would put us in league with the Pharisees … who were condemned by Jesus for their erroneous attitude about the day.)
The Sabbath is a gift from God to man and never intended to be a burden.
People have a tendency to overwork and often go too fast through life. This “busyness” often results in spiritual emptiness. The Sabbath is a way to re fuel and re align what really matters.
Colossians 2:16-17 does not seem to “do away” with the Sabbath, but redefine it in terms of how it relates to Christ.
People stumble over the word “Sabbath” and there are many misconceptions about our relation to it.
5. We need to exhort our congregation to examine the scriptures and follow the leadership of the Holy Spirit when it comes to Sabbath observance. ( We cannot publish a list of rules or restrictions concerning this day because that would put us in league with the Pharisees … who were condemned by Jesus for their erroneous attitude about the day.)
Sunday, May 20, 2007
stuff my kids said
I am trying to remember the things my kids said over the years:
2002 Josh at 4 years old ... I asked Josh what he wanted to be when he grew up and he misunderstood the question to mean: "why do you want to grow up? " and so he said: "so I can reach the chips..."
2006 Matthew ( age 6) made some comment that was actually funny, but he did not appreciate us laughing about it. When I tried to console him later about it he said: " I know funny and that's not funny."
2004 Josh 6 and Matthew 4 After hitting baseballs at Rose Park, we had a conversation with another dad and his teenage sons. The other father commented and reflected on how fast time was passing because he remembered the days when his kids were my kids' age. In the middle of this "Norman Rockwell" moment Josh goes: " I do NOT like baseball... my dad forces me to play... what I really like is computers."
2007 While watching the "special features" of some sci fi movie, they showed some vintage footage of King Kong movies from 1933 and some godzilla clips from the 1940's and 1950's. After seeing the crudeness of the filmmaking back then Josh said: "man, I'm glad I live in this century..." ( age 9)
2002 Josh at 4 years old ... I asked Josh what he wanted to be when he grew up and he misunderstood the question to mean: "why do you want to grow up? " and so he said: "so I can reach the chips..."
2006 Matthew ( age 6) made some comment that was actually funny, but he did not appreciate us laughing about it. When I tried to console him later about it he said: " I know funny and that's not funny."
2004 Josh 6 and Matthew 4 After hitting baseballs at Rose Park, we had a conversation with another dad and his teenage sons. The other father commented and reflected on how fast time was passing because he remembered the days when his kids were my kids' age. In the middle of this "Norman Rockwell" moment Josh goes: " I do NOT like baseball... my dad forces me to play... what I really like is computers."
2007 While watching the "special features" of some sci fi movie, they showed some vintage footage of King Kong movies from 1933 and some godzilla clips from the 1940's and 1950's. After seeing the crudeness of the filmmaking back then Josh said: "man, I'm glad I live in this century..." ( age 9)
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Redemptive work is costly
( This is a quote by James S Stewart taken from a sermon by Alistair Begg)
Redemptive work is always costly. There is no hope of ease for the faithful servant of the cross. It is involved in the very nature of his task that he can never be at the end of it. Not his to evade the burden and the heat of the day. Physical weariness, sickness of heart, bitter disappointment, the strain of the passion of souls, all the wear and tear of vicarious burden bearing; these he will know in full measure. He may even find himself wondering sometimes why he ever accepted a commission in a warfare in which there is no discharge. He may even have moods when a haunting sense of anticlimax overwhelms him. It’s one thing to set out gallantly when the flags are waving and drums summoning to a new crusade. But it’s quite another thing to keep plodding on when the road is difficult and the initial impetus has spent its force and the trumpets of the dawn have ceased to blow. It’s one thing to have inspirations – another to have tenacity…
If ever a man finds the work of the ministry becoming easily manageable and surmountable ; an undemanding vocation without strain or any encumbering load of care, he is to be pitied, not congratulated. For he has so flagrantly lost touch with one whose ministry of reconciliation could be accomplished and fulfilled through Gethsemane and Calvary. Without shedding of blood there is no remission of sins… unless something of the pastor’s lifeblood goes into his quest for souls and into the word he brings them from the Lord, the quest remains fruitless and the word devoid of delivering power.
James S. Stewart
Redemptive work is always costly. There is no hope of ease for the faithful servant of the cross. It is involved in the very nature of his task that he can never be at the end of it. Not his to evade the burden and the heat of the day. Physical weariness, sickness of heart, bitter disappointment, the strain of the passion of souls, all the wear and tear of vicarious burden bearing; these he will know in full measure. He may even find himself wondering sometimes why he ever accepted a commission in a warfare in which there is no discharge. He may even have moods when a haunting sense of anticlimax overwhelms him. It’s one thing to set out gallantly when the flags are waving and drums summoning to a new crusade. But it’s quite another thing to keep plodding on when the road is difficult and the initial impetus has spent its force and the trumpets of the dawn have ceased to blow. It’s one thing to have inspirations – another to have tenacity…
If ever a man finds the work of the ministry becoming easily manageable and surmountable ; an undemanding vocation without strain or any encumbering load of care, he is to be pitied, not congratulated. For he has so flagrantly lost touch with one whose ministry of reconciliation could be accomplished and fulfilled through Gethsemane and Calvary. Without shedding of blood there is no remission of sins… unless something of the pastor’s lifeblood goes into his quest for souls and into the word he brings them from the Lord, the quest remains fruitless and the word devoid of delivering power.
James S. Stewart
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Charlton Heston and the Nine commandments
This discussion on the sabbath really connects to a larger discussion on the place of the Old Testament in our lives. I like this :
"Our freedom from the law as a way of salvation does not mean that we are free from the law as a guide to conduct. The fourth commandment ( Remember the Sabbath) is as much a part of that coherent family code as is any of the other nine."
and else where :
" Rebellious people do not want to rest in God's work or celebrate His creation. Like our first parents, we each want to be our own god. We want to rest in our own works and celebrate our own accomplishments."
Book: Pathway to Freedom Author: Alistair Begg
"Our freedom from the law as a way of salvation does not mean that we are free from the law as a guide to conduct. The fourth commandment ( Remember the Sabbath) is as much a part of that coherent family code as is any of the other nine."
and else where :
" Rebellious people do not want to rest in God's work or celebrate His creation. Like our first parents, we each want to be our own god. We want to rest in our own works and celebrate our own accomplishments."
Book: Pathway to Freedom Author: Alistair Begg
Monday, May 14, 2007
Sabbath or not ?
When I talk to people in the Christian world they say things like this:
All of the 10 commandments are repeated in the New Testament except the one about the sabbath. Does this have implications ?
What is the New Testament believer's attitude toward the sabbath day ?
I'm on a journey to get to the bottom of this issue.
Colossians 2:16 Therefore no one is to act as your judge in regard to food and drink or in respect to a festival or new moon or a Sabbath day --- 17 things which are a mere shadow of what is to come; but the substance belongs to Christ.
So, does this verse "nullify" the sabbath ? I understand it makes a reference to it as a shadow, but nullify ?
This is a burden for me because I have heard so many stories of people who "burned out" because they overworked. Is the sabbath a gift from God ?
Everyone says: "take a day off..." What does the sabbath have to do with that ?
All of the 10 commandments are repeated in the New Testament except the one about the sabbath. Does this have implications ?
What is the New Testament believer's attitude toward the sabbath day ?
I'm on a journey to get to the bottom of this issue.
Colossians 2:16 Therefore no one is to act as your judge in regard to food and drink or in respect to a festival or new moon or a Sabbath day --- 17 things which are a mere shadow of what is to come; but the substance belongs to Christ.
So, does this verse "nullify" the sabbath ? I understand it makes a reference to it as a shadow, but nullify ?
This is a burden for me because I have heard so many stories of people who "burned out" because they overworked. Is the sabbath a gift from God ?
Everyone says: "take a day off..." What does the sabbath have to do with that ?
Thursday, May 10, 2007
King Tut
I used to be fascinated by King Tut's tomb. I can remember as a kid reading about Howard Carter's discovery of this site in 1922. Archaeologists are driven by a passion to discover ancient ruins and artifacts and their efforts are placed in museums. I think about some of the discoveries of scripture and how much more interesting to me these are now than coffins from an Egyptian's grave. I have been on somewhat of a "dig" with the book of Romans this month.
I studied Romans 2 this week and read vss. 23-24
" You who boast in the Law, through your breaking the Law, do you dishonor God ? 24 For THE NAME OF GOD IS BLASPHEMED AMONG THE GENTILES BECAUSE OF YOU, just as it is written... "
I have lived with the idea that my sin hurts other people but it changes when I think about my sin as offensive to God. Here is a thought I liked from John Piper:
" If we want to think Biblically - think the way the apostles thought and the way God thinks, we do not merely talk about everybody's being a sinner; we get more specific than that and ask, ' What is sin ?' What is at the heart of our corruption and our depravity as human beings ? What is wrong with us ? Why is there so much evil in the world and what is the essence of this ? '"
The essence of evil is dishonoring God. Our sin doesn't just hurt other people, it is offensive to God. I haven't broken a rule, I have hurt a person ( God). This thought changes the way I view my sin. When the temptation to sin comes, it makes me re-evaluate and ask myself some serious questions: what will be the outcome of this ? Who will be hurt ? What does God think about what I am doing ?
I studied Romans 2 this week and read vss. 23-24
" You who boast in the Law, through your breaking the Law, do you dishonor God ? 24 For THE NAME OF GOD IS BLASPHEMED AMONG THE GENTILES BECAUSE OF YOU, just as it is written... "
I have lived with the idea that my sin hurts other people but it changes when I think about my sin as offensive to God. Here is a thought I liked from John Piper:
" If we want to think Biblically - think the way the apostles thought and the way God thinks, we do not merely talk about everybody's being a sinner; we get more specific than that and ask, ' What is sin ?' What is at the heart of our corruption and our depravity as human beings ? What is wrong with us ? Why is there so much evil in the world and what is the essence of this ? '"
The essence of evil is dishonoring God. Our sin doesn't just hurt other people, it is offensive to God. I haven't broken a rule, I have hurt a person ( God). This thought changes the way I view my sin. When the temptation to sin comes, it makes me re-evaluate and ask myself some serious questions: what will be the outcome of this ? Who will be hurt ? What does God think about what I am doing ?
Monday, May 7, 2007
Sunday May 6 I was privileged to baptize both of my sons. Karen and I have prayed for years that our children would come to know the Lord. About 8 months ago, I started conducting interviews with our kids and we would address all kinds of topics and also have Bible study. I remember asking Josh if he wanted to commit his life to the Lord. He said: " I'm not sure." I was actually relieved to hear him say that because it confirmed to me that he was not trying to please me with his answer. I admired the fact that he was genuinely seeking the Lord and not trying to please man. After months of conversations, he approached me and told me he was ready to give his life to Christ.
Matthew was ready earlier than Josh to make a commitment. I tried to stall and wait in order to test him and find out if he really wanted to follow Christ. How much can 6 year old really understand ? Jesus was the one who commended a childlike faith. God knows their hearts and I am thrilled to say that I believe my kids when they tell me they love Jesus.
Is it real ?
Well, let's wait and see if the fruit develops from the roots of their faith. But for now, we are celebrating.
Matthew was ready earlier than Josh to make a commitment. I tried to stall and wait in order to test him and find out if he really wanted to follow Christ. How much can 6 year old really understand ? Jesus was the one who commended a childlike faith. God knows their hearts and I am thrilled to say that I believe my kids when they tell me they love Jesus.
Is it real ?
Well, let's wait and see if the fruit develops from the roots of their faith. But for now, we are celebrating.
Sunday, April 29, 2007
The way of Jesus cannot be imposed or mapped --- it requires active participation in following Jesus as he leads us through sometimes strange and unfamiliar territory, in circumstances that become clear only in the hesitations and questionings, in the pauses and reflections where we engage in prayerful conversation with one another and with Him.
We cannot remove ourselves from the way in order to have more favorable conditions for learning the way. We are already "on the way," acquiring insights and developing habits of obedience, following Jesus in our homes and neighborhoods and workplaces, gradually and incrementally maturing in the way so that who we are and what we do is realized coherently and comprehensively....
The person that we follow is the primary shaping influence on the person that we become.
Taken from: " The Jesus Way" by Eugene Peterson
We cannot remove ourselves from the way in order to have more favorable conditions for learning the way. We are already "on the way," acquiring insights and developing habits of obedience, following Jesus in our homes and neighborhoods and workplaces, gradually and incrementally maturing in the way so that who we are and what we do is realized coherently and comprehensively....
The person that we follow is the primary shaping influence on the person that we become.
Taken from: " The Jesus Way" by Eugene Peterson
Friday, April 27, 2007

We have a problem in our sink. It has no garbage disposal. I lobbied for this when we built the house but someone else who lives here (name withheld) said "ix na" on the garbage disposal, so we have a strainer that catches the last 10 percent of the cereal. Essentially after two people dump the remnants of their cereal into the sink it becomes clogged and water no longer goes through it. I think I feel that way right now... sort of clogged with worldliness. There's too much of the world in me and not enough holiness. My "ought to" and "want to" don't match. I want to do this, but end up doing that. So, what are my options ? Hypocrites are unattractive and so I don't want to pretend, but at the same time do I really want to be obedient ? In some ways, "yes", because the consequences of disobedience are really unpleasant. I am not happy living in the land of good intentions. I am sure of who I don't want to be... I don't want to be this guy: " You are near in their mouth, but far from their heart..." ( Jeremiah 12:2) and I know I don't want to be this guy: " Woe to you hypocrites ! For you clean the outside of the cup... but inside you are full of greed and indulgence..." ( Matthew 23:25) The indulgence thing really caught my attention. When I find myself going through life and denying myself nothing, I don't end up enjoying it. I start to hate it and resent that lifestyle. I need reticence. I need the ability to hold off and not have everything I want immediately. I want to hunger and thirst for righteousness but too often I am stuffed with worldliness which takes off the edge of my hunger for God. Tonight I spent some time walking and being with the Lord. It was good to be thankful and it was good to be in a place with God that didn't involved trying to impress Him or others. Does the pace of your life allow for an hour of prayer ? Why not ? I don't mean to belittle you or run you down with guilt ( we all have enough of that right ?) Why do we justify 1-3 hours on the internet and then complain that we didn't have time for prayer ? This is exactly the kind of want to/ ought to issues I mentioned at the beginning. I still believe that we only obey our highest desire. What is your highest desire ?
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Why waiting can be good
Psalm 31:15 My times are in His hands
One of my favorite things to do on a trip to College Station is to go to McAllister’s Deli. I can’t explain it all in words but their food is a total body experience. I feel it in my tongue, stomach, and even in my esophagus. Particulary good is the sweet tea and the chocolate chip cookie at the end. You have to understand the context for this visit to this magical world of turkey goodness. I am at my in laws house ( whom I love) out in the country and far removed from internet, cell service and sweet tea. Therefore, once we reach said restaurant, it’s time to party. However, today was different. When I pulled in the parking lot I noticed a large yellow dog ( school bus in laymen’s terms) that said Spring High school. I had a hunch there were many student athletes descending on the cash registers and trying to get at the sweet, sweet tea. I hung my head in dismay and grumbled something to Karen about how this was going to be frustrating. I debated whether to stay or go to Fuddruckers. But there was a great parking spot by the front door so I informed Karen to stay in the car and I would go investigate and give her the signal from inside. I decided to stay and then nervously fidgeted behind several lines, giving non verbal clues that I was about 10 minutes away from exploding… I mean getting mildly irritated. There was one man ( an older man) who was in a motorized cart and so I let him go before me ( seeing as how I am a pastor and all). I waited in line for a while and the cashier said she had to close her register down before I got to the front. I tried to get her to look my way so I could give her a disappointed stare…one that could communicate the pain. So I go back to Karen who is sitting in a chair and say with desperation : “God is punishing me.” My wife quickly responds: “ No, He is protecting you from something…. maybe there is some traffic accident He wants to protect you from…” I sulk off admitting she is probably right but the lines are still there and I am no closer to that sweet sweet tea.
Fast forward……
( foot note: I overheard the cashier say that they were out of potatoes because all the athletes from Spring had ordered them)
So, I get to the counter and I asked the cashier: “ Do you have any turkey left ?” She assures me they have plenty. So I order the club, potato salad ( I guess they had plenty of that too) and a chocolate chip cookie and the tea…. ( did I mention that it is world famous sweet tea ?)
How does something become world famous ?
I set my chrono because I am expecting this to take about 45 minutes and to my delight we get the food in about 3 minutes 51 seconds. I eat the food and we move on to our next event… a trip to half price book store on the other side of town.
We pull up to the light and notice Colonel Sanders is lying in the grass. His face had blown off the sign and He was lying across the street. We realize strange things are afoot. When we reach half price parking lot we see that the large McDonalds sign has been ripped apart and several car windows are busted out. An ambulance is over in front of the China buffet. A large tree ( and I mean large) has been completely pulled up by its roots and is now lying in the parking lot. PAUSE>>>>>>
Large trees take hundreds of years to grow and this large tree was completely uprooted and there was about a 10 foot hole where it used to be.
Storefront windows were busted out and the place was kind of weird. People were out sweeping up glass from the parking lot.
A tornado hit the parking lot in front of the place we were on our way to…
* I’m not making this up… this really happened. I have the pictures.
TRANSLATION: The wait at the deli was God’s way of protecting me from the tornado that would have busted our windows out at best and destroyed us at worst.
Even now, when I take it all in, I’m still stunned. We pulled into that parking lot about 5 minutes after this tornado ripped apart the area. We would have been in that store if McAllister’s had not been busy.
So, this is where you come in. Do you really believe that God is at work in your delays and detours ?
Are you frustrated because you can’t get at what you want ? Is it possible that there is a reason for your waiting ?
I think so…
One of my favorite things to do on a trip to College Station is to go to McAllister’s Deli. I can’t explain it all in words but their food is a total body experience. I feel it in my tongue, stomach, and even in my esophagus. Particulary good is the sweet tea and the chocolate chip cookie at the end. You have to understand the context for this visit to this magical world of turkey goodness. I am at my in laws house ( whom I love) out in the country and far removed from internet, cell service and sweet tea. Therefore, once we reach said restaurant, it’s time to party. However, today was different. When I pulled in the parking lot I noticed a large yellow dog ( school bus in laymen’s terms) that said Spring High school. I had a hunch there were many student athletes descending on the cash registers and trying to get at the sweet, sweet tea. I hung my head in dismay and grumbled something to Karen about how this was going to be frustrating. I debated whether to stay or go to Fuddruckers. But there was a great parking spot by the front door so I informed Karen to stay in the car and I would go investigate and give her the signal from inside. I decided to stay and then nervously fidgeted behind several lines, giving non verbal clues that I was about 10 minutes away from exploding… I mean getting mildly irritated. There was one man ( an older man) who was in a motorized cart and so I let him go before me ( seeing as how I am a pastor and all). I waited in line for a while and the cashier said she had to close her register down before I got to the front. I tried to get her to look my way so I could give her a disappointed stare…one that could communicate the pain. So I go back to Karen who is sitting in a chair and say with desperation : “God is punishing me.” My wife quickly responds: “ No, He is protecting you from something…. maybe there is some traffic accident He wants to protect you from…” I sulk off admitting she is probably right but the lines are still there and I am no closer to that sweet sweet tea.
Fast forward……
( foot note: I overheard the cashier say that they were out of potatoes because all the athletes from Spring had ordered them)
So, I get to the counter and I asked the cashier: “ Do you have any turkey left ?” She assures me they have plenty. So I order the club, potato salad ( I guess they had plenty of that too) and a chocolate chip cookie and the tea…. ( did I mention that it is world famous sweet tea ?)
How does something become world famous ?
I set my chrono because I am expecting this to take about 45 minutes and to my delight we get the food in about 3 minutes 51 seconds. I eat the food and we move on to our next event… a trip to half price book store on the other side of town.
We pull up to the light and notice Colonel Sanders is lying in the grass. His face had blown off the sign and He was lying across the street. We realize strange things are afoot. When we reach half price parking lot we see that the large McDonalds sign has been ripped apart and several car windows are busted out. An ambulance is over in front of the China buffet. A large tree ( and I mean large) has been completely pulled up by its roots and is now lying in the parking lot. PAUSE>>>>>>
Large trees take hundreds of years to grow and this large tree was completely uprooted and there was about a 10 foot hole where it used to be.
Storefront windows were busted out and the place was kind of weird. People were out sweeping up glass from the parking lot.
A tornado hit the parking lot in front of the place we were on our way to…
* I’m not making this up… this really happened. I have the pictures.
TRANSLATION: The wait at the deli was God’s way of protecting me from the tornado that would have busted our windows out at best and destroyed us at worst.
Even now, when I take it all in, I’m still stunned. We pulled into that parking lot about 5 minutes after this tornado ripped apart the area. We would have been in that store if McAllister’s had not been busy.
So, this is where you come in. Do you really believe that God is at work in your delays and detours ?
Are you frustrated because you can’t get at what you want ? Is it possible that there is a reason for your waiting ?
I think so…
your future
What is God's will for my life ? This question is asked often by people as they sort through their lives and think about the future. I was struck by something in Isaiah that I wanted you to see.
Isaiah 14:26 " This is the plan devised against the whole earth; and this is the hand stretched out against all the nations. 27 For the Lord of hosts has planned, and who can frustrate it ? "
This verse was such a relief to me as I thought about the future. God is involved and He is aware of my situation. So, this verse tells me that whatever God has planned.... it cannot be frustrated by man. This is comforting, because sometimes we think our times are in someone's hand or the quality of our education or "timing" or "who you know." This is the hand and this is the plan.
Isaiah 14:26 " This is the plan devised against the whole earth; and this is the hand stretched out against all the nations. 27 For the Lord of hosts has planned, and who can frustrate it ? "
This verse was such a relief to me as I thought about the future. God is involved and He is aware of my situation. So, this verse tells me that whatever God has planned.... it cannot be frustrated by man. This is comforting, because sometimes we think our times are in someone's hand or the quality of our education or "timing" or "who you know." This is the hand and this is the plan.
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Don't Look back

This is an excerpt from the message that was given tonight at Common Ground.
It is taken from a book called " Holiness" by JC Ryle and was written in the 1800's. It's a illustration of those who "look back" like Lot's wife was told not to do.
“How many pastors work hard in their profession for a few years and then become lazy and indolent from the love of this present world. At the outset of their ministry they seem willing to spend and be spent for Christ; they are instant in season and out of season; their preaching is lively and their churches are filled. Their congregations are well looked after, cottage lectures, prayer meetings, house to house visitation are their weekly delight. But, alas, how often after ‘beginning in the Spirit’ they end up ‘ in the flesh’ and, like Samson, are shorn of their strength in the lap of that Delilah, the world. They prefer nicer things; they are puffed up with pride and neglect study and prayer. A nipping frost cuts off the spiritual blossoms which once developed in them. Their preaching loses its unction and power; their weekday work becomes less and less; the society they mix in becomes less select; the tone of their conversation becomes more earthly. They cease to disregard the opinion of man; they imbibe a morbid fear of ‘extreme views,’ and are filled with a cautious dread of giving offence. And at last the man who at one time seemed likely to be a real successor of the apostles and a good soldier of Christ settles down on his lees as a clerical gardener, farmer or diner out, by whom nobody is offended and nobody is saved. His church becomes half empty; his influence dwindles away; the world has bound him hand and foot. He has walked in the steps of Lot’s wife. He has looked back. “
How many children of religious families begin well and end ill. In the days of their childhood they seem full of religion. They can repeat texts and hymns in abundance; they have spiritual feelings and convictions of sin; they profess love to the Lord Jesus and desires after heaven; they take pleasure in going to church and hearing sermons ; they say things which are treasured up by their fond parents as indications of grace. But, alas, how often their goodness vanishes like a morning cloud, and like the dew that passes away. The boy becomes a young man and cares for nothing but amusements, field sports, reveling and excess. The girl becomes a young woman, and cares for nothing but clothing, her friends, novel reading and excitement. Where is the spirituality which once appeared so promising ? It is all gone. It is buried; is overflowed by the love of the world. They walk in the steps of Lot’s wife. They look back.
JC Ryle "Holiness" ( chapter on Lot's wife)
As I read these quotes, I was amazed and felt like it was a good reminder of the need to stay vigilant and pursue the Lord.
It is taken from a book called " Holiness" by JC Ryle and was written in the 1800's. It's a illustration of those who "look back" like Lot's wife was told not to do.
“How many pastors work hard in their profession for a few years and then become lazy and indolent from the love of this present world. At the outset of their ministry they seem willing to spend and be spent for Christ; they are instant in season and out of season; their preaching is lively and their churches are filled. Their congregations are well looked after, cottage lectures, prayer meetings, house to house visitation are their weekly delight. But, alas, how often after ‘beginning in the Spirit’ they end up ‘ in the flesh’ and, like Samson, are shorn of their strength in the lap of that Delilah, the world. They prefer nicer things; they are puffed up with pride and neglect study and prayer. A nipping frost cuts off the spiritual blossoms which once developed in them. Their preaching loses its unction and power; their weekday work becomes less and less; the society they mix in becomes less select; the tone of their conversation becomes more earthly. They cease to disregard the opinion of man; they imbibe a morbid fear of ‘extreme views,’ and are filled with a cautious dread of giving offence. And at last the man who at one time seemed likely to be a real successor of the apostles and a good soldier of Christ settles down on his lees as a clerical gardener, farmer or diner out, by whom nobody is offended and nobody is saved. His church becomes half empty; his influence dwindles away; the world has bound him hand and foot. He has walked in the steps of Lot’s wife. He has looked back. “
How many children of religious families begin well and end ill. In the days of their childhood they seem full of religion. They can repeat texts and hymns in abundance; they have spiritual feelings and convictions of sin; they profess love to the Lord Jesus and desires after heaven; they take pleasure in going to church and hearing sermons ; they say things which are treasured up by their fond parents as indications of grace. But, alas, how often their goodness vanishes like a morning cloud, and like the dew that passes away. The boy becomes a young man and cares for nothing but amusements, field sports, reveling and excess. The girl becomes a young woman, and cares for nothing but clothing, her friends, novel reading and excitement. Where is the spirituality which once appeared so promising ? It is all gone. It is buried; is overflowed by the love of the world. They walk in the steps of Lot’s wife. They look back.
JC Ryle "Holiness" ( chapter on Lot's wife)
As I read these quotes, I was amazed and felt like it was a good reminder of the need to stay vigilant and pursue the Lord.
Monday, April 9, 2007
Bold as a lion
From the vault: ( reprinted )
This came from a "midnight rambling" but is reprinted here in this blog.
I find that a certified organic fuji apple in the morning gets rid of morning breath and the beginnings of a sore throat. It ‘s like medicine without the killing of all my cells thing.
I really like the view of the stars from out in the country. They were so bright and brilliant without the light pollution from the city lights. It’s really more than can be expressed in words. I get home last night and get to bed about 12:30am and then wake up at 5:24 am. Why ? Again, I am at a loss for words.
What’s happening to me at 35 is this : the list of things that I find meaningful is getting shorter and the list of things that no longer thrill me is getting longer. However, the short list of meaningful things is truly meaningful. I have entered into a season of life where my study of God’s word has been especially sweet lately. I’m thankful for it and I know we all have seasons of drought where the word is difficult to read, the schedule is tight and the motivation is low. This is what I am currently doing: I read Leviticus, then I Samuel, then a Psalm, then something from the gospels ( Matthew). I don’t always make it through that pattern, especially if I find something interesting along the way.
Here is what I found the other day. I Samuel 17
Israel has set up a camp in a valley. Across this valley is another army… you might remember these guys: the Philistines. The text says a champion named Goliath came out every day to “taunt” the Israelites. He issued them a challenge that if anyone from Israel could fight and kill him, then the Philistines would become their slaves. No problem, right ? Apparently, he did this for 40 days. Nobody from Israel accepted the challenge and basically, they just stood in fear of this beastly man.
So, the Israelites call out for Papa Johns while they are waiting and Jesse sends David to bring the food. Something changes when David hears the challenge…
I like what the text says: “ and he ( Goliath) spoke the same words; and David heard them.”
Don’t skip that part too soon. This time, David heard those words. This scene gets to me. All these guys let this big jerk make fun of the army of God for 40 days without doing any thing. Suddenly, God puts David in a position to hear this challenge and it means something different to him. It means, “let’s get it on.”
Let’s stop and ask ourselves a question at this point: Is your relationship with God such that you have the boldness to say these words to a non Christian ?
“ You come to me with a sword and a spear, but I come to you in the name of the Lord…This day the Lord will deliver you up into my hands, and I will strike you down and remove your head from you. “
Furthermore, this will all happen so that everyone will know that the Lord does not deliver by sword or spear; for the battle is the Lord’s and He will give you into our hands.
I’m stunned by this picture of boldness. We are too apologetic about the gospel to the lost world. David is found running straight at the enemy with a sling shot because He knows something about God. He is so confident that God can deliver him that he steps up to this challenge. I am so inspired by this confidence and it makes me want to live this way. I don’t mean recklessly, but righteously. The other men in Israel’s army were consumed with their own self protection. David was consumed with God. How did he get this way ? Where does that type of boldness come from ?
Let’s look at some of the statements made about David in the book of I Samuel:
after Samuel anointed David, the text says this : “ the Spirit of the Lord came upon him mightily from that day forward.”
2. a skillful musician, a mighty man of valor, a warrior, one prudent in speech
3.the Lord is with him
4. “David behaved himself more wisely than all the servants of Saul… so his name was highly esteemed.”
I am becoming convinced of something: “ the righteous are as bold as a lion.” Prov 28
If my confidence is low, it might be connected to my disobedience and guilty conscience. Sin is a major distraction from following God with this kind of courage. It’s a time waster and is used by satan to take us off the course of carrying out God’s plan in the world. So, put it down, throw it away, erase it, break it, walk away from it, don’t go in there, don’t pick it up, don’t listen to it, don’t stare at it, don’t get any more, don’t click on it, don’t ask her, don’t call him, don’t IM her, don’t say it, don’t keep thinking about it, don’t nurse the grudge, don’t keep bringing it up, don’t sow it, don’t plug it in, don’t get it down, don’t look for it, don’t grieve the Holy Spirit and don’t think that it doesn’t matter.
Don’t believe the lie that your sin only affects you. An army of your peers might be waiting for you to arrive, hear the challenge of the enemy and represent God in battle.
Are you up to it ?
This came from a "midnight rambling" but is reprinted here in this blog.
I find that a certified organic fuji apple in the morning gets rid of morning breath and the beginnings of a sore throat. It ‘s like medicine without the killing of all my cells thing.
I really like the view of the stars from out in the country. They were so bright and brilliant without the light pollution from the city lights. It’s really more than can be expressed in words. I get home last night and get to bed about 12:30am and then wake up at 5:24 am. Why ? Again, I am at a loss for words.
What’s happening to me at 35 is this : the list of things that I find meaningful is getting shorter and the list of things that no longer thrill me is getting longer. However, the short list of meaningful things is truly meaningful. I have entered into a season of life where my study of God’s word has been especially sweet lately. I’m thankful for it and I know we all have seasons of drought where the word is difficult to read, the schedule is tight and the motivation is low. This is what I am currently doing: I read Leviticus, then I Samuel, then a Psalm, then something from the gospels ( Matthew). I don’t always make it through that pattern, especially if I find something interesting along the way.
Here is what I found the other day. I Samuel 17
Israel has set up a camp in a valley. Across this valley is another army… you might remember these guys: the Philistines. The text says a champion named Goliath came out every day to “taunt” the Israelites. He issued them a challenge that if anyone from Israel could fight and kill him, then the Philistines would become their slaves. No problem, right ? Apparently, he did this for 40 days. Nobody from Israel accepted the challenge and basically, they just stood in fear of this beastly man.
So, the Israelites call out for Papa Johns while they are waiting and Jesse sends David to bring the food. Something changes when David hears the challenge…
I like what the text says: “ and he ( Goliath) spoke the same words; and David heard them.”
Don’t skip that part too soon. This time, David heard those words. This scene gets to me. All these guys let this big jerk make fun of the army of God for 40 days without doing any thing. Suddenly, God puts David in a position to hear this challenge and it means something different to him. It means, “let’s get it on.”
Let’s stop and ask ourselves a question at this point: Is your relationship with God such that you have the boldness to say these words to a non Christian ?
“ You come to me with a sword and a spear, but I come to you in the name of the Lord…This day the Lord will deliver you up into my hands, and I will strike you down and remove your head from you. “
Furthermore, this will all happen so that everyone will know that the Lord does not deliver by sword or spear; for the battle is the Lord’s and He will give you into our hands.
I’m stunned by this picture of boldness. We are too apologetic about the gospel to the lost world. David is found running straight at the enemy with a sling shot because He knows something about God. He is so confident that God can deliver him that he steps up to this challenge. I am so inspired by this confidence and it makes me want to live this way. I don’t mean recklessly, but righteously. The other men in Israel’s army were consumed with their own self protection. David was consumed with God. How did he get this way ? Where does that type of boldness come from ?
Let’s look at some of the statements made about David in the book of I Samuel:
after Samuel anointed David, the text says this : “ the Spirit of the Lord came upon him mightily from that day forward.”
2. a skillful musician, a mighty man of valor, a warrior, one prudent in speech
3.the Lord is with him
4. “David behaved himself more wisely than all the servants of Saul… so his name was highly esteemed.”
I am becoming convinced of something: “ the righteous are as bold as a lion.” Prov 28
If my confidence is low, it might be connected to my disobedience and guilty conscience. Sin is a major distraction from following God with this kind of courage. It’s a time waster and is used by satan to take us off the course of carrying out God’s plan in the world. So, put it down, throw it away, erase it, break it, walk away from it, don’t go in there, don’t pick it up, don’t listen to it, don’t stare at it, don’t get any more, don’t click on it, don’t ask her, don’t call him, don’t IM her, don’t say it, don’t keep thinking about it, don’t nurse the grudge, don’t keep bringing it up, don’t sow it, don’t plug it in, don’t get it down, don’t look for it, don’t grieve the Holy Spirit and don’t think that it doesn’t matter.
Don’t believe the lie that your sin only affects you. An army of your peers might be waiting for you to arrive, hear the challenge of the enemy and represent God in battle.
Are you up to it ?
Thursday, April 5, 2007
Enemy Mine

" Then the Lord raised up an adversary to Solomon... Hadad the Edomite..." ( v 14)
Later, in reference to another enemy the text says: " So he was an adversary to Israel all the days of Solomon..."
When I read these words, I was reminded of something. God can raise up enemies against us. He can do it for His purposes and what's more is these enemies can be there permanently.
It doesn't matter if you move, change churches, change jobs... or any other change. We will have people who oppose us. We will have adversaries. I like the story of the guy who was rescued after being stranded on a deserted island for several years. The rescuers noticed three buildings on the top of a hill. They asked the castaway about these buildings. He said: " the first one is my house, the second one is my church and the third one is where I used to go to church."
Even on a deserted island we find that we have enemies... even if it's our own flesh.
So, do you have someone who is an enemy ? It may be from the Lord and it may be that this person will not go away.
What can you do ? What did Jesus say about our enemies ? I seem to remember things like this: pray for, speak well of, love, forgive...etc.
Can you do this ?
Monday, April 2, 2007
I was in Santa Fe NM the other day sitting on a chair lift about to take Josh and Matthew down a run called : " easy street." They were learning to ski and I was learning to be patient. When it started snowing, I saw something in the snow that I had never seen before. Each individual flake was really fragile and could easily be crushed or wiped away with my glove, but I thought how powerful could these flakes be if they were all together. I pictured the destruction and awesome sight of an avalanche coming down a mountain. An individual flake just falls and dissipates when it hits something like a pole or the street, but a collection of them on a mountain can form an avalanche.
I just wondered about the local church. What if we actually did something together and were unified... could we have that kind of avalanche power ?
What would it mean for us to be unified ? Jesus prayed for that unity in John 17 and Ephesians says that we are part of one Spirit ( Ephesians 4:4). I realize that when you start talking about unity... resistance can go up immediately. I am not advocating that we drop all of our doctrinal distinctives. I am not one to do away with doctrine. I'm all about it and I think we need to hold standards high and maintain some doctrinal "divides" as it were. I suppose my problem is me...I'm too individualistic. I like doing things by myself and I'm unwilling to be unified with other people alot of the time. I want to make a commitment to unity and see what would happen if I actually obeyed Jesus and Paul's exhortations to be unified with other Christians. It probably just looks like serving others, being humble and looking after the interests of others. Someone once said: " If you want to be a leader, you will be frustrated... because very few people want to be led. However, if you want to serve, you will find plenty of opportunities."
I just wondered about the local church. What if we actually did something together and were unified... could we have that kind of avalanche power ?
What would it mean for us to be unified ? Jesus prayed for that unity in John 17 and Ephesians says that we are part of one Spirit ( Ephesians 4:4). I realize that when you start talking about unity... resistance can go up immediately. I am not advocating that we drop all of our doctrinal distinctives. I am not one to do away with doctrine. I'm all about it and I think we need to hold standards high and maintain some doctrinal "divides" as it were. I suppose my problem is me...I'm too individualistic. I like doing things by myself and I'm unwilling to be unified with other people alot of the time. I want to make a commitment to unity and see what would happen if I actually obeyed Jesus and Paul's exhortations to be unified with other Christians. It probably just looks like serving others, being humble and looking after the interests of others. Someone once said: " If you want to be a leader, you will be frustrated... because very few people want to be led. However, if you want to serve, you will find plenty of opportunities."
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