Lately I have been thinking through Mark 2:27 The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the sabbath. After reading and hearing people discuss this issue... these thoughts have emerged.
It seems like when it comes to the Sabbath we have 4 options:
1. Seventh day sabbath keeping : This is what the Seventh Day adventists have chosen. They keep the literal sabbath on Saturday in accord with Exodus 20:8.
2. Lord's day sabbath keeping: This is a transfer of the theology of sabbath keeping to a new day ... Sunday. These people keep the sabbath but on a different day.
3. Lord's day observance: Based on Acts 20:7 , I Cor. 16, and Revelation 1 it seems like the NT believers begin to observe Sunday as a day to focus on Christ. After the book of Acts there is not much textual basis to keep a Saturday sabbath.
4. Lord's day non observance: This obliterates the uniqueness of Sunday and makes it day to do your own pleasure and basically neglect to worship God.
It seems like # 3 is the most Biblical option we have. Obviously there is much debate over this issue and the journey is not over. The question still remains: Is God sovereign over your time ? Is He sovereign over your work ? Is He sovereign over your schedule ? Will you take one day in seven to rest in Christ alone ?