Thursday, October 30, 2008

out of the mouths of babes

My family was traveling to Hereford last weekend and we were driving through Alamogordo when my youngest son ( 8 years old) wanted to stop and eat at Subway. I explained to him multiple times that we brought food in our cooler and that we were emphatically not stopping. After several back and forth comments I said: " Matthew, what's the difference ? You can fill your stomach with what we have already paid for or go spend money at Subway....why do you feel like we need to spend more money right now ? " He said: " But Dad, these are trained professionals ! "


I can't remember if this is in an earlier blog but it it still worth putting down again.

So here it is:

" Do not forget this. At first it is natural for a baby to take its mother's milk without knowing its mother. It is equally natural for us to see the man who helps us without seeing Christ behind him. But we must not remain babies. We must go on to recognize the real Giver. It is madness not to. Because, if we do not, we shall be relying on human beings. And that is going to let us down. The best of them will make mistakes; all of them will die. We must be thankful to all the people who have helped us, we must honor and love them. But never, never pin your whole faith on any human being; not if he is the best and wisest in the world. There are lots of nice things you can do with sand; but do not try building a house on it. "

( CS Lewis p494 A Collection of works)

PS You can't build on sand unless you are on a Casas Por Cristo trip in Juarez, Mexico.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

stir up

2 Peter 1:13 " I consider it right, as long as I am in this earthly dwelling, to stir you up by way of reminder.

I wanted to stir up this verse in your mind : Colossians 3:23.

" Whatever you do ( let that soak in), do your work ( how ?) HEARTILY .... for who?
as for the Lord, and not for men. "

I don't know your situation,but this verse should be in our minds often.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Thompson Chain

I'm not sure what you think of the Thompson chain reference, but I like the way it prints the whole verse out in the concordance.

This morning I looked up the word complaining ( from Philipp 2:14).

God has made it clear that the murmuring in the desert from the children of Israel was displeasing to Him. Even Proverbs 15:16 says: " Better a little with the fear of the Lord that great wealth with turmoil."

Paul: Philippians 4:11 " I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances."

I Timothy 6:8 " If we have food and covering, with these we shall be content."

I Corinthians 10:10 " And do not grumble, as some of them did-- and were killed by the destroying angel."

God has shown me through His word that I complain too much. This morning was incredible and I felt through just about every sense I have that the Lord is good and it's good to be alive. It's good to wake up hungry and be satisfied with Cascadian Farms cinnamon raisin granola. It's good to see the sun shining in its strength and get an audio visual of Revelation 1 where John describes Jesus in His glorified state. It's good to remember that our bodies will someday be redeemed and we will be like Jesus ( able to see Him as He is).

Why don't I think on these things more often ?

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


There are days and events and people that make you long for heaven. I have been thinking alot lately about Romans 8:19-25 and the groaning that we experience here while waiting for the redemption of our bodies and I came across something from Jonathan Edwards that I wanted to reprint here... ( it's worth reading) :

" You that are poor, and think yourself despised by your neighbors and little cared for among men, do not much concern yourselves for this. Do not care much for the friendship of the world; but seek heaven, where there is no such thing as contempt, and where none are despised, but all are highly esteemed and honoured, and dearly beloved by all. You think you have met with many abuses, and much ill treatment from others.... care not for it. Do not hate them for it, but set your heart on heaven, that world of love and press toward that better country, where all is kindness and holy affection."
Taken from Jonathan Edwards " Charity and its fruits" page 365

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

7 minutes on the ipod

The previous post about my perspective change was influenced by 7 minutes in the pickup listening to a podcast by Alistair Begg. He was quoting another pastor who brought that perspective about God's providence. I know I am not in the grip of blind forces and I am convinced I am not floating on a sea of chance. I am being trained in the school of God's providence.

This is why I recommend something... instead of listening to the music you normally do... put some podcasts on your ipod and listen to God's word taught by true prophets. Even 7 minutes can do you good.
( I am no way advocating 7 minutes is sufficient... but don't underestimate the "immeasurable moment" )

Perspective change


It takes some time to be in a place to recognize the value of everything that is happening/ has happened in your life. I have been put in a position to deal with things that I wasn't dealing with before. I am thankful for God's leading in my life and regret that I have complained internally about my perceived losses. I still feel a certain sense of loss, but at the same time I realize that I am here by God's appointment, under His care and here for the length of time that He has determined.

Romans 8:18 For I consider that our sufferings in this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that is to be revealed to us.