Wednesday, October 15, 2008


There are days and events and people that make you long for heaven. I have been thinking alot lately about Romans 8:19-25 and the groaning that we experience here while waiting for the redemption of our bodies and I came across something from Jonathan Edwards that I wanted to reprint here... ( it's worth reading) :

" You that are poor, and think yourself despised by your neighbors and little cared for among men, do not much concern yourselves for this. Do not care much for the friendship of the world; but seek heaven, where there is no such thing as contempt, and where none are despised, but all are highly esteemed and honoured, and dearly beloved by all. You think you have met with many abuses, and much ill treatment from others.... care not for it. Do not hate them for it, but set your heart on heaven, that world of love and press toward that better country, where all is kindness and holy affection."
Taken from Jonathan Edwards " Charity and its fruits" page 365