I am not proud to admit this but it seems like it's hard to find study time that doesn't have a string attached to it. I'm talking about reading or study that is "free." Even my quiet times begin to feel obligatory and my sermon prep can feel like "work" at times. So, I just resolved that I would sit down for a few minutes and read a passage of Scripture that I wasn't preaching on and wasn't part of my quiet time. I read I Thessalonians 1 for awhile and then got distracted by a book on my shelf called " Spiritual Depression" by Martyn LLoyd Jones.
( by the way, I did have a good time reading I Thessalonians 1 and I will speak to that later)
From Spiritual Depression... he's talking about Paul's statements in Philippians 4 with regard to the idea of contentment.
here's the line of thinking ( Philipp 4)
1. Conditions are always changing, therefore, I must not be dependent on conditions.
2. What matters supremely and vitally is my soul and my relationship to God --- that is the first thing.
3. God is concerned about me as my Father, and nothing happens to me apart from God. Even the very hairs on my head are numbered. I must never forget that.
4. God's will and God's ways are a mystery, but I know that whatever He wills or permits is of necessity for my good.
5. Every situation in life is the unfolding of some manifestation of God's love and goodness.
6. Whatever my conditions may be at this present moment they are only temporary, they are only passing, and they can never rob me of the joy and the glory that ultimately await me with Christ.
Here's the passage in Philippians 4 ( we always quote verse 13 but do we know v11- 12 ?)
I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am. I know how to get along with humble means and I also know how to live in prosperity; in any and every circumstance I have learned the secret of being filled and going hungry, both of having abudance and suffering need. I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.
What about you ? Have you learned how to be content ?