I find it interesting to see how scripture relates to other scripture... for example:
Paul says in Romans 7:22 that he joyfully concurs with the law of God in the inner man. So, I look up "inner man" and find the same phrase in 2 Cor 4:16 ..." though our outer man is decaying, our inner man is being renewed day by day..."
Really ? How ? How is the inner man being renewed ? I thought Romans 12:1-2 would answer that question and it did somewhat. Don't be conformed to the world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind... so that you can prove what the will of God is. How else can you renew your mind except on God's word ? So then I looked up "renew" and found it in Isaiah 40:31
" Those who wait on the Lord will renew their strength..." Ok... thanks... but what is waiting on God and how do I do it ?
Again, I'm still searching and then I come across this:
The hebrew word for "wait" means to look for with eager expectation. Waiting means that we express our faith in God and look for Him to rescue us. ( This brings honor to Him if you remember from Psalm 50... Call upon Me in the day of trouble.)
" Those who wait in true faith are renewed in strength SO THAT they can continue to serve the Lord while looking for His saving work." ( Harris Theo Wordbook of the OT)
One more time: " Those who wait in true faith are renewed in strength SO THAT they can continue to serve the Lord while looking for His saving work."
So,if you live in ( fill in city) .... you can continue in the work God has for you since God promises to renew your strength. This strength is found by being in His presence and allowing His word to renew you.
What is keeping you from "continuing to serve the Lord" ?
1. Criticism
2. your own sin
3. laziness
4. lack of faith
5. depression
6. fatigue
I don't know what it is for you, but I am telling you that their is new strength to be found when you "wait" on God. If you don't know what this means, then read Psalm 25 and Psalm 27 in one sitting and ask God for the wisdom to understand what it means to wait on Him.
Waiting on God in the desert,