Monday, August 25, 2008

unrestricted study

I am not proud to admit this but it seems like it's hard to find study time that doesn't have a string attached to it. I'm talking about reading or study that is "free." Even my quiet times begin to feel obligatory and my sermon prep can feel like "work" at times. So, I just resolved that I would sit down for a few minutes and read a passage of Scripture that I wasn't preaching on and wasn't part of my quiet time. I read I Thessalonians 1 for awhile and then got distracted by a book on my shelf called " Spiritual Depression" by Martyn LLoyd Jones.
( by the way, I did have a good time reading I Thessalonians 1 and I will speak to that later)

From Spiritual Depression... he's talking about Paul's statements in Philippians 4 with regard to the idea of contentment.

here's the line of thinking ( Philipp 4)

1. Conditions are always changing, therefore, I must not be dependent on conditions.

2. What matters supremely and vitally is my soul and my relationship to God --- that is the first thing.

3. God is concerned about me as my Father, and nothing happens to me apart from God. Even the very hairs on my head are numbered. I must never forget that.

4. God's will and God's ways are a mystery, but I know that whatever He wills or permits is of necessity for my good.

5. Every situation in life is the unfolding of some manifestation of God's love and goodness.

6. Whatever my conditions may be at this present moment they are only temporary, they are only passing, and they can never rob me of the joy and the glory that ultimately await me with Christ.

Here's the passage in Philippians 4 ( we always quote verse 13 but do we know v11- 12 ?)

I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am. I know how to get along with humble means and I also know how to live in prosperity; in any and every circumstance I have learned the secret of being filled and going hungry, both of having abudance and suffering need. I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.

What about you ? Have you learned how to be content ?

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

inner man

I find it interesting to see how scripture relates to other scripture... for example:

Paul says in Romans 7:22 that he joyfully concurs with the law of God in the inner man. So, I look up "inner man" and find the same phrase in 2 Cor 4:16 ..." though our outer man is decaying, our inner man is being renewed day by day..."

Really ? How ? How is the inner man being renewed ? I thought Romans 12:1-2 would answer that question and it did somewhat. Don't be conformed to the world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind... so that you can prove what the will of God is. How else can you renew your mind except on God's word ? So then I looked up "renew" and found it in Isaiah 40:31

" Those who wait on the Lord will renew their strength..." Ok... thanks... but what is waiting on God and how do I do it ?

Again, I'm still searching and then I come across this:

The hebrew word for "wait" means to look for with eager expectation. Waiting means that we express our faith in God and look for Him to rescue us. ( This brings honor to Him if you remember from Psalm 50... Call upon Me in the day of trouble.)

" Those who wait in true faith are renewed in strength SO THAT they can continue to serve the Lord while looking for His saving work." ( Harris Theo Wordbook of the OT)

One more time: " Those who wait in true faith are renewed in strength SO THAT they can continue to serve the Lord while looking for His saving work."

So,if you live in ( fill in city) .... you can continue in the work God has for you since God promises to renew your strength. This strength is found by being in His presence and allowing His word to renew you.

What is keeping you from "continuing to serve the Lord" ?

1. Criticism

2. your own sin

3. laziness

4. lack of faith

5. depression

6. fatigue

I don't know what it is for you, but I am telling you that their is new strength to be found when you "wait" on God. If you don't know what this means, then read Psalm 25 and Psalm 27 in one sitting and ask God for the wisdom to understand what it means to wait on Him.

Waiting on God in the desert,


Monday, August 11, 2008

hard and crusty cooking utensils

" The flesh is the outlook oriented towards the self, that which pursues its own ends in self sufficient independence of God." ( Colin Brown )

When I think about my experiences, the most satisfying are those when I "lose" myself in the service of God and others. I always start out thinking that I really don't want to do this, but afterwards, it's rewarding. I went home for lunch today and sat at the table looking at our kitchen. I decided I could either sit there and read the Sunday paper or clean it up. It may seem like a small thing to you, but there really was some satisfaction in serving that I don't find in fleshly indulgence. There is a traitor in my body called the flesh and it is continually seeking ways to undermine the work of the Holy Spirit in my life. Lately, the troubles come from destructive thoughts. How do you "wage war" with this "mole" ?

Here's what I saw in I Chronicles this morning: David ( in chap 29) is praying about the transfer of leadership to Solomon and he prays this...

" For all things come from You, and from Your hand we have given You." ( I Chron 29:15)

Did you read that right ? Whatever we have is God's anyway, and when we give... we really just give back to God what He already gave us. How ironic that we think we have rights, our own stuff, or our own abilities. It all belongs to Him. He gave it to us and is honored when we give it back to Him.

Saturday, August 2, 2008


Lessons learned :

1. don't hit "send" on an email until you are sure you want to send it

2. dont' say " he said" unless you know he really said it

3. if you have to get behind on things, don't get behind on prayer

4. take your kids to a grassy park and play games with them occasionally

5. fathers: take initiative in leading your family in spiritual discussions ( use the Bible)

6. read Christian biography

7. pray that God will raise up friends for you

8. stop drinking cokes --- they are like drinking paint thinner

9. use a pen and paper when you study the Bible

10. get an ipod and listen to sermons in the car

11. put weights on your trampoline ( legs) .... ours blew out of our backyard and into our neighbor's dining room window

12. try to find out both sides of the story ( if possible)

Friday, August 1, 2008

we forget

I read Mark 8 today about the feeding of the 4000. The same disciples who witnessed the feeding of the 5000, make this comment when the same scenario presents itself:

" Where will anyone be able to find enough bread here in this desolate place to satisfy these people ? "

Are you joking ? Did you not just see Jesus feed 5000 men a few chapters earlier. Even Jesus comments to the disciples: " Do you have a hardened heart ? "

It seems to me that a hardened heart is one thing that grieves Jesus. The text even says that Jesus " sighed deeply" when the Pharisees came to Him with their unbelieving attitude. It's possible for 2 people to witness an event and one completely misses the miracle in what happened.

What's the difference ? Why do some people see and others don't ?

So here's my question for you: have you forgotten past miracles in your life ? Are you facing "insurmountable odds " again ? What is your attitude like ? Are you like the disciples ?

" Where will we get bread for all these ? " or are you saying in your heart: " I know whom I have believed and I am confident that He will take care of me."

Don't forget in the dark what you learned in the light. Keep a journal, go back and read your old journals. Read the Psalms:

1. Psalm 140: 7 O God the Lord, the strength of my salvation, You have covered my head in the day of battle.

2. Psalm 144:1 Blessed be the Lord , my rock, who trains my hands for war, and my fingers for battle ...