Thursday, January 17, 2008

Divorce and remarriage

The real title of this blog:
how to be unpopular --- teach on divorce and remarriage

I think it is important to read every word when you are reading through the Bible. I was reading in Matthew 19 and came upon some phrases that I found interesting.

Interesting phrase # 1: “…for any reason at all ?”

19:3 Some Pharisees came to Jesus, testing Him and asking, “ Is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife for any reason at all ? “

It seems like if there was time for Jesus to set the record straight, He could have done it right here. He could have said: “ There is no reason for a man to divorce his wife.”

However… after saying: “ What God has joined together, let no man separate,” He says this in verse 9: ( which is interesting phrase # 2 )

Interesting phrase # 2 : “ …whoever divorces his wife, except for immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery.”

In both verses ( 3 and 9) the word “wife” is present.”

Why didn’t Jesus say: “ there is absolutely no reason for divorce ? “ Why even mention the phrase “immorality” ?

Some would say he was referring to the engagement period.
( see position paper on divorce and remarriage) Look, I’ve been reading John Piper for about 12 years now, and I am humbled by his life and ministry. He has been one of the biggest factors in my growth as a believer and I am continually challenged by his writings. I think everyone should read his works. I’m no match for his Biblical knowledge and if he were here in my kitchen, I would have a hard time demonstrating how he is wrong. That being said.... Matthew 19 leaves me wondering why Jesus included an exception clause for divorce. I’ve read Piper’s arguments and even listened to the audio version. In my study of “immorality” it seems to have application to singles and married people. I don’t see it as exclusive to singles. ( However, I have been wrong before.)