Monday, January 28, 2008


Curious to see if this makes sense to you.

I fall into the trap of thinking sometimes that things have to be all or nothing. Lately, it makes more sense that God designed the world to have a category called : " Things that live in tension with one another."

Under that category there would be 2 more things:

1. All or nothing
2. moderation

For example: in regard to your salvation, you can say this is an " all or nothing " category. You cannot mix any works with your faith to go to be saved. However, when it comes to eating and drinking... use moderation. You can probably go 80/20. 80 percent of the time.. eat healthy and 20 percent.. you can eat junk.

This was a breakthrough to be "ok" with these categories and get the right things in the right place. You can work ( and that's ok ) and you can rest ( and that's ok too). But you don't want to work all the time or rest all the time. You need moderation. So, the next time you hear someone say: "all things in moderation..." you can punt that idea out of existence. God has established " all or nothing" categories as well as " some things in moderation." When you put things in the wrong category... " is big problem ... no ? "

So, go ahead and have some peanut m & m's .... but only get a small portion. Work hard this week... but don't work too hard. Rest, but don't overindulge.

PRAY ... and pray without ceasing. God is good and this thought freed me from much burden bearing.