I am definitely a product of the things I read. I was just sitting here thinking about why people blog and why people take the time to read blogs. I think we have a God given hunger for relationships and we are curious/interested in what someone else is thinking, doing, planning, etc. I read blogs. What am I after ? What am I seeking when I do this ? I don't feel bored necessarily, maybe just passive. I do admire those who have drunk deeply from God's word and can bring back some treasures for me to look at ( maybe this is part of it.) Maybe I admire their courage to say what I was thinking and what I agree with.
Anyway, I happened to remember this section from Frederick Buechner and it's reprinted below:
" You can be bored by virtually anything, if you put your mind to it, or choose not to. You can yawn your way through Don Giovanni or a trip to the Grand Canyon or afternoon with your dearest friend or a sunset. There are doubtless those who nodded off at the coronation of Napoleon or the trial of Joan of Arc or when Shakespeare appeared at the Globe in Hamlet or Lincoln delivered himself of a few remarks at Gettysburg. To be bored is to turn down cold whatever life happens to be offering you at the moment. It is to cast a jaundiced eye at life in general including most of all your own life. You feel nothing is worth getting excited about because you are yourself not worth getting excited about. To be bored is a way of making the least of things you often have a sneaking suspicion you need the most. "
( Buechner p 142 Listening to your life)
I think being bored is a symptom that you are not satisfied with God and that you're not engaged in the mission of God. I am thinking of I Corinithians 7:29 ff " But this I say, brethren, the time has been shortened, so that from now on those who have wives should be as though they had none and those who weep as though they did not weep; and those who rejoice as though they did not rejoice; and those who buy as though they did not possess; and those who use the world, as though they did not make full use of it; for the form of this world is passing away."
I want to be involved in the things that will not pass away.