2 Cor 6:14 says: " Do not be bound together with unbelievers..." and later in the same passage: "Come out from among them and be separate."
These are bold ideas and make it difficult for me to discern sometimes what it means to be "in the world but not of the world."
Do we ever stop to reflect on our relationships and evaluate whether or not they are healthy ? Do you spend time with people who drain you or cause you to stumble ? Do I ( do you) have the courage to pull away and separate ? How can this happen without coming off as arrogant or "thinking too highly of ourselves" ?
Friday, May 30, 2008
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Dead to sin
Are we really dead to sin ?
As I sit and stare at this page over and over, I have the same thoughts:
“ I don’t know.” I use this phrase a lot lately: “ I don’t know what to do , what to think, whether to spend the money or not, whether to confront… etc”
The list of “ I don’t know…” seems endless. The things I know seem less that the things I don’t know.
In reality, I do know the Bible is true. I believe with certainty that God will confirm me to the end.
What I do know :
1. God will confirm me to the end ( I Cor 1:8)
2. Jesus has the power to subject all things to Himself. ( Philipp 3:21)
3. My citizenship is in heaven Philipp. 3:20
4. my body will be transformed into conformity with the body of His glory Philipp 3:21
5. I have the freedom to walk in newness of life Rom 6:4
6. I don’t have to be a slave of sin anymore Rom 6:6
How can I describe this experience? I am free from sin, yet I still sin. I am no longer under sin’s power, but I still feel real temptations on a daily basis. God has not (to my knowledge) put so many restraints on me that I am incapable of sinning. I still can choose to sin. I could ( if I so desired) close this box and plunge into the worst kinds of immorality the internet has to offer. I could sit here at this desk and immerse myself into the world. Why don’t I ?
#1. There is a serious risk of being fired if I do it. ( I don’t want to jeopardize my family by being foolish with sin)
* I just re read this list and noticed that “ being fired” popped into the # 1 slot. I would like to think that my fear of God would be # 1. It is a reason, but the immediate thing I thought of was losing my job… ( another reason to repent).
#2 It would set back my relationship that I have grown and cultivated with my wife. I see her as beautiful and I don’t want to erase or destroy the relationship we have been constructing. I do feel that her trust of me has grown. This trust can be wiped away very quickly if I became a lying, adulterous person. Trust is very similar to the world trade center towers ( 25 years to construct --- 1 hour to bring down --- bring down to a pile of rubble)
I don’t want to turn my life into a pile of rubble.
#3 If I did plunge myself into sin, I would grieve the Holy Spirit of God. When David sinned, the text says: “ the thing that David did, displeased the Lord …” I really have no desire to upset God in any way. I don’t want to deliberately “ provoke” Him to anger. He has made clear His thoughts on immorality and I have no business putting Him to the test.
#4 If I were to plunge into sin, I don’t know exactly where the bottom is to that cesspool. It’s a deep subject with many terrors and dangers that cannot be seen on the surface. The devil is seeking someone to devour. Sin always leads further than you want to go and keeps you longer than you want to stay. I would be entering ( blindfolded) into a very dangerous world where sin is magnified and God is “shut out.” God is light and in Him there is no darkness at all. I don’t want to find out more about the darkness by experiencing it up close and personal.
The Bible says that it is shameful even to mention what the disobedient do in secret.
#5 I would confuse and hurt so many people who have been in my life. I have taught, preached and pled with others to be holy and pure. If they hear of my demise, how would this affect their life ? How disappointing to hear of another pastor going down the tubes morally ? Since 1989 three of my close friends ( all in the ministry) were dismissed / resigned from their positions. Their stories are very fresh in my mind and I would imagine their scars are still with them today. Why inflict these wounds on myself unnecessarily ?
I have spoken to (?) how many students about moral purity. I would instantly become a hypocrite in their eyes… which leads to #6.
#6 David was told that the pagan nations would blaspheme the name of God because of Him.
Do I really want to be a reason in the minds of some why they are rejecting Christ ?
#7 I just remembered that my own children would eventually find out. They would always have doubts about my own instruction to them and it would hinder my ability to lead them. They might even experiment and “ out of curiosity” find out for themselves the details of where “satan dwells.” This would crush me to think they would have to travel down this horrid path of sin and destruction.
Digression: I don’t want anyone to think that the sin I am talking about is the only sin out there. I realize that people have issues with gossip that are very destructive in the church and in the community. There are those whose anger is so out of control that they do not enjoy going to their home. Many men have “fits of rage” and have so damaged their witness that no one wants to be around them. Greed has paralyzed many generous hearts and the love of money has caused so many people to shipwreck their faith.
#8 Plunging into sin maybe a bit extreme. It could be that some of us just want to walk into sin or “experiment” for a minute or two. There might be a desire to just “take a quick look” and then restore normalcy. Why even do this ? Why toy with sin ? Can a man take burning coals into his lap and not be burned ?
The nature of sin is so deceptive and my heart is so deceptive that I can fool myself into thinking that I can just sin “ a little bit.” Sin is progressive and deadly. One drop of poison in my water would make it toxic.
# 9 I have memories of the torment of my soul after battles with sin. Those battle scars are still with me. The feelings of self hatred linger in “closets” and I don’t want to go to those places again.
Romans 6:6 says that my old self was “crucified with Him, in order that my body of sin might be rendered inoperative…” For me to experiment with sin on purpose is to go against the grain of who I am and displease the One who gave Himself for me. Jesus is in effect saying to me: “ it is for these sins that I died… why live in them anymore ?”
What benefit is there in going back to an old way of life that ( by your own admission) you hated ? You hated yourself for doing those things… why would you go back into them ?
It’s 2:40pm on a Wed. afternoon and several minutes have gone by while writing this document.
I just thought of # 10
#10 Proverbs 5:21 For the ways of a man are before the eyes of the Lord, and He watches all His paths.
To think that the God who created the universe would be watching me “sink” into sin on purpose is a revolting thought. How arrogant and “self centered” to think I could somehow exist in a place where God could not see me. Do I really think of God as a person ? If I do… ( and I do) then God is actively aware of all my actions, motives, and attitudes.
What about this verse ?
“ O Lord … you know when I sit down and when I rise up; You understand my thought from afar. You scrutinize my path and my lying down and are intimately acquainted with all my ways. Even before there is a word on my tongue, behold, O Lord, you know it all.”
Psalm 139:1-4
As I sit and stare at this page over and over, I have the same thoughts:
“ I don’t know.” I use this phrase a lot lately: “ I don’t know what to do , what to think, whether to spend the money or not, whether to confront… etc”
The list of “ I don’t know…” seems endless. The things I know seem less that the things I don’t know.
In reality, I do know the Bible is true. I believe with certainty that God will confirm me to the end.
What I do know :
1. God will confirm me to the end ( I Cor 1:8)
2. Jesus has the power to subject all things to Himself. ( Philipp 3:21)
3. My citizenship is in heaven Philipp. 3:20
4. my body will be transformed into conformity with the body of His glory Philipp 3:21
5. I have the freedom to walk in newness of life Rom 6:4
6. I don’t have to be a slave of sin anymore Rom 6:6
How can I describe this experience? I am free from sin, yet I still sin. I am no longer under sin’s power, but I still feel real temptations on a daily basis. God has not (to my knowledge) put so many restraints on me that I am incapable of sinning. I still can choose to sin. I could ( if I so desired) close this box and plunge into the worst kinds of immorality the internet has to offer. I could sit here at this desk and immerse myself into the world. Why don’t I ?
#1. There is a serious risk of being fired if I do it. ( I don’t want to jeopardize my family by being foolish with sin)
* I just re read this list and noticed that “ being fired” popped into the # 1 slot. I would like to think that my fear of God would be # 1. It is a reason, but the immediate thing I thought of was losing my job… ( another reason to repent).
#2 It would set back my relationship that I have grown and cultivated with my wife. I see her as beautiful and I don’t want to erase or destroy the relationship we have been constructing. I do feel that her trust of me has grown. This trust can be wiped away very quickly if I became a lying, adulterous person. Trust is very similar to the world trade center towers ( 25 years to construct --- 1 hour to bring down --- bring down to a pile of rubble)
I don’t want to turn my life into a pile of rubble.
#3 If I did plunge myself into sin, I would grieve the Holy Spirit of God. When David sinned, the text says: “ the thing that David did, displeased the Lord …” I really have no desire to upset God in any way. I don’t want to deliberately “ provoke” Him to anger. He has made clear His thoughts on immorality and I have no business putting Him to the test.
#4 If I were to plunge into sin, I don’t know exactly where the bottom is to that cesspool. It’s a deep subject with many terrors and dangers that cannot be seen on the surface. The devil is seeking someone to devour. Sin always leads further than you want to go and keeps you longer than you want to stay. I would be entering ( blindfolded) into a very dangerous world where sin is magnified and God is “shut out.” God is light and in Him there is no darkness at all. I don’t want to find out more about the darkness by experiencing it up close and personal.
The Bible says that it is shameful even to mention what the disobedient do in secret.
#5 I would confuse and hurt so many people who have been in my life. I have taught, preached and pled with others to be holy and pure. If they hear of my demise, how would this affect their life ? How disappointing to hear of another pastor going down the tubes morally ? Since 1989 three of my close friends ( all in the ministry) were dismissed / resigned from their positions. Their stories are very fresh in my mind and I would imagine their scars are still with them today. Why inflict these wounds on myself unnecessarily ?
I have spoken to (?) how many students about moral purity. I would instantly become a hypocrite in their eyes… which leads to #6.
#6 David was told that the pagan nations would blaspheme the name of God because of Him.
Do I really want to be a reason in the minds of some why they are rejecting Christ ?
#7 I just remembered that my own children would eventually find out. They would always have doubts about my own instruction to them and it would hinder my ability to lead them. They might even experiment and “ out of curiosity” find out for themselves the details of where “satan dwells.” This would crush me to think they would have to travel down this horrid path of sin and destruction.
Digression: I don’t want anyone to think that the sin I am talking about is the only sin out there. I realize that people have issues with gossip that are very destructive in the church and in the community. There are those whose anger is so out of control that they do not enjoy going to their home. Many men have “fits of rage” and have so damaged their witness that no one wants to be around them. Greed has paralyzed many generous hearts and the love of money has caused so many people to shipwreck their faith.
#8 Plunging into sin maybe a bit extreme. It could be that some of us just want to walk into sin or “experiment” for a minute or two. There might be a desire to just “take a quick look” and then restore normalcy. Why even do this ? Why toy with sin ? Can a man take burning coals into his lap and not be burned ?
The nature of sin is so deceptive and my heart is so deceptive that I can fool myself into thinking that I can just sin “ a little bit.” Sin is progressive and deadly. One drop of poison in my water would make it toxic.
# 9 I have memories of the torment of my soul after battles with sin. Those battle scars are still with me. The feelings of self hatred linger in “closets” and I don’t want to go to those places again.
Romans 6:6 says that my old self was “crucified with Him, in order that my body of sin might be rendered inoperative…” For me to experiment with sin on purpose is to go against the grain of who I am and displease the One who gave Himself for me. Jesus is in effect saying to me: “ it is for these sins that I died… why live in them anymore ?”
What benefit is there in going back to an old way of life that ( by your own admission) you hated ? You hated yourself for doing those things… why would you go back into them ?
It’s 2:40pm on a Wed. afternoon and several minutes have gone by while writing this document.
I just thought of # 10
#10 Proverbs 5:21 For the ways of a man are before the eyes of the Lord, and He watches all His paths.
To think that the God who created the universe would be watching me “sink” into sin on purpose is a revolting thought. How arrogant and “self centered” to think I could somehow exist in a place where God could not see me. Do I really think of God as a person ? If I do… ( and I do) then God is actively aware of all my actions, motives, and attitudes.
What about this verse ?
“ O Lord … you know when I sit down and when I rise up; You understand my thought from afar. You scrutinize my path and my lying down and are intimately acquainted with all my ways. Even before there is a word on my tongue, behold, O Lord, you know it all.”
Psalm 139:1-4
Monday, May 19, 2008
why progressive sanctification ?
After reading Romans 6:1-7, a question entered my mind that I found difficult to shake. Why does God value a progressive sanctification ? He could have instantly made us holy, but in His infinite wisdom He chose to do it over stages. Why ?
Here are some thoughts:
1. The things that really mean something to us are genuine and well crafted. A cloth/ fake bullwhip imitating Indiana Jones' whip is not near as meaningful as a real, handcrafted leather bullwhip from El Paso Saddleblanket. We value the things that took time to prepare. A homecooked meal ( like a potroast) simmering for hours is much better than 6 nuggets flash fried in 30 seconds.
2. God wants us to relate to Him by faith. Hebrews 11:1 and following talk about the faith that believers had throughout history. Their relationship with God was forged in those low moments of pain and difficulty. There is no shortcut to holiness, and without holiness no one will see the Lord.
3. God values love and freedom. A computer can do amazing things... which it is programmed to do. A person can love sincerely because God has designed us with choice.
In an " instant sanctification" process we would by pass all of those things which build up love, joy, peace, patience,etc.
4. 2 Corinthians 1:9 Paul says that they were excessively burdened... to the point that they even despaired of life. He says that this happened so that they would not trust in themselves, but in God. The process of becoming holy deepens our dependence.
5. A process allows God to fully display all of His attributes of glory, majesty, patience, mercy, love, kindness, grace, etc. We can see the manifold wisdom of God as we walk on this journey.
Any other things I left out ?
Here are some thoughts:
1. The things that really mean something to us are genuine and well crafted. A cloth/ fake bullwhip imitating Indiana Jones' whip is not near as meaningful as a real, handcrafted leather bullwhip from El Paso Saddleblanket. We value the things that took time to prepare. A homecooked meal ( like a potroast) simmering for hours is much better than 6 nuggets flash fried in 30 seconds.
2. God wants us to relate to Him by faith. Hebrews 11:1 and following talk about the faith that believers had throughout history. Their relationship with God was forged in those low moments of pain and difficulty. There is no shortcut to holiness, and without holiness no one will see the Lord.
3. God values love and freedom. A computer can do amazing things... which it is programmed to do. A person can love sincerely because God has designed us with choice.
In an " instant sanctification" process we would by pass all of those things which build up love, joy, peace, patience,etc.
4. 2 Corinthians 1:9 Paul says that they were excessively burdened... to the point that they even despaired of life. He says that this happened so that they would not trust in themselves, but in God. The process of becoming holy deepens our dependence.
5. A process allows God to fully display all of His attributes of glory, majesty, patience, mercy, love, kindness, grace, etc. We can see the manifold wisdom of God as we walk on this journey.
Any other things I left out ?
Monday, May 12, 2008
definition of "holding a grudge"
John Wycliffe was a Christian who lived during the 1300's. He led an initiative to get the Bible translated into English so that the common man could have a Bible. He held several views about the pope at the time and about the Lord's supper. Because he taught the Bible, many of his contemporaries were so angry with him that 43 years after his death, they dug up his corpse and burned his remains at the stake.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
tiny theaters of the self
This excerpt from Orthodoxy by GK Chesterton helps me ...
" Are there no other stories in the world except yours; and are all men busy with your business ? How much happier you would be if you only knew that these people cared nothing about you ! How much larger your life would be if your self could become smaller in it; if you could really look at other people with common curiosity and pleasure; if you could see them walking as they are in their sunny selfishness and their virile indifference ! You would begin to be interested in them, because they were not interested in you. You would break out of this tiny and tawdry theatre in which your own little plot is always being played, and you would find yourself under a freer sky, in a street full of splendid strangers."
(Page 15 Orthodoxy)
This quote helps remind me that there are other people who have it worse than me and other people who have it better than me. I spend too much time thinking about my own problems.
" Are there no other stories in the world except yours; and are all men busy with your business ? How much happier you would be if you only knew that these people cared nothing about you ! How much larger your life would be if your self could become smaller in it; if you could really look at other people with common curiosity and pleasure; if you could see them walking as they are in their sunny selfishness and their virile indifference ! You would begin to be interested in them, because they were not interested in you. You would break out of this tiny and tawdry theatre in which your own little plot is always being played, and you would find yourself under a freer sky, in a street full of splendid strangers."
(Page 15 Orthodoxy)
This quote helps remind me that there are other people who have it worse than me and other people who have it better than me. I spend too much time thinking about my own problems.
Monday, May 5, 2008

Psalm 112:7 says that the man who fears the Lord has a steadfast heart. So I looked up steadfast and it said: " faithful or determined."
This has been a need in my life lately and so I began to look up some verses that connected with Psalm 112 and here is what I found:
Psalm 57: 7 My heart is steadfast... I will sing, yes, I will sing praises !
Psalm 108:1 My heart is steadfast, O God... I will sing, I will sing praises, even with my soul !
My translation: there is a connection between a strengthened heart and singing. If you feel like quitting, maybe you should take your ipod ( to drown out the sound of your voice) and listen to something ( my bias: David Crowder) and just sing for about 30 minutes.
Also: look at the little letters by the verses in your Bible and start to connect scripture with other scripture...
This has been a need in my life lately and so I began to look up some verses that connected with Psalm 112 and here is what I found:
Psalm 57: 7 My heart is steadfast... I will sing, yes, I will sing praises !
Psalm 108:1 My heart is steadfast, O God... I will sing, I will sing praises, even with my soul !
My translation: there is a connection between a strengthened heart and singing. If you feel like quitting, maybe you should take your ipod ( to drown out the sound of your voice) and listen to something ( my bias: David Crowder) and just sing for about 30 minutes.
Also: look at the little letters by the verses in your Bible and start to connect scripture with other scripture...
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