Saturday, August 11, 2007

Another angle

I was reading an article on and came across something I hadn't really thought about before. The author was asking the question: " Why was Jesus on earth for 33 years ? Couldn't he have just come in for the weekend,taken care of business and gone back to heaven ?"

He then turned my attention to Hebrews 4:15
For we do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses but one who has been tempted in all things as we are, yet without sin.

I guess I had never meditated on that phrase: "in all things." Jesus was tempted throughout his life all of its various stages and yet didn't sin. His demonstration of a righteous life satisfied God's wrath. He lived my life for me and presented that holy life to God...on my behalf.

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Proverbs 3 again

Later on in Proverbs 3 the word says we are not to lean on our own understanding. It seems to me that we have to change some of the filters that we normally view life through....

Here is what we usually say to ourselves:
1. Is this fair ?
2. Does this make sense to me ?
3. Is this what I always thought would happen ?
4. What will I get out of this ?

I think Proverbs 3 is basically saying that we need to ask these questions instead :
1. Is God glorified in what I am doing ?
2. Are God's purposes accomplished in the earth ?

What if we could change filters and ask some different questions ?

Can we really trust in the Lord and "our own understanding" at the same time ?

re disovery

At the encouragement of a friend, I re-read Proverbs 3. I felt like I was reading it for the first time in my life. So rich... There are essentially 2 things you want to keep close to you: kindness and truth. It says to bind them around your neck. I started to think about what kindness would look like:

1. listen to someone who is talking ... when everyone else has checked out of the conversation

2. calling your wife to check in and communicate with her

3. initiate restoration after conflict ...

Are you kind ? Are you committed to the truth even if it effects you financially ?